You cry because of stupid movies

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Sometimes he was questioning why he was doing this to himself but then he would remember the puppy eyes you had given him, begging him to do whatever and that's how he ended up in most situations like this.

For some reason you wanted to watch this movie with the dog who waited for his dead owner to come back for years. The moment he had opened the door, you were already asking him to watch the movie with you.

Obviously losing the debate, Bakugou and you were now sitting on the couch of his living room. You leaned against his shoulder while munching on cookies and he sat there with arms crossed over his chest. 

This movie was boring. At least to him. He could see how engrossed you were in it which made him question your taste in movies but oh-well he couldnt do anything about anyway. 

As the movie progressed, the owner died and as he already knew; the dog decided to wait at the train station for his owner to come back. 

From that moment on you were a mess. He could already tell that you felt sorry for the animal by the expression you held and maybe, just maybe Bakugou felt a little bit bad, too. His heart wasn't out of stone. He kind of liked animals. They annoyed him easily, especially the little rat of his neighbour that always barked whenever someone passed by the door but other than that, they were okay. There were even some animals that liked him in the past.

Also, the story was said to be true.

Finally, they were near the end of the movie and that was when he heard a soft sniffel from right beside him. 

His eyes darted over to you immidiately. He should have expected it but there you were, with silent tears running down your cheeks, tinging them in a soft red. 

"Are you for real? It's just a fucking movie. Why crying? You didn't cry when we were watching Titanic" another one of the movies you talked him into watching with you.

"That's not the same. It's a dog, Katsuki! A dog! And he is so loyal that he never gave up on his owner. He believed he would come back for him but he-, he-" a soft sob escaped your throat. Just imagining that this dog died without ever understanding that his owner didn't abondon him but actually just couldn't come back made your heart break all over again. 

"Idiot" he growled but contrary to his words he wrapped an arm around your shoulder and softly pushed your head against his chest. "It's a movie" he reminded you.

"A movie that is based on a true story" you corrected him, starting to calm down a little. 

"It's still stupid to cry about that. This story is so old" he tried to reason with you but little did he know that nothing he said would change the fact that this was the saddest story in existence. 

"-and even if it wasn't real. My heart just can't take it when an animal is upset" you admitted, snuggling even closer to the blond.

"And my heart can't take it when you are upset" he thought but he would rather die than saying such embarrassing words aloud. 

"Just get over it" he made a dismissive sound, pressing his cheek against your hair, knowing that this action would comfort you even more. His eyes were fixed on the screen on which the movie was just played. 

"You can be so cold" you huffed but there was no anger to be found in your voice. 

What you didn't notice were his slightly wartering eyes as his thoughts were now, too, running wild on this dog's sad fate. The male tightened his grip around you to make sure you wouldnt lift up your head and see his face.

The time he would let you see him cry because of some dog, was the time he would be nice to Izuku.

Fucking never. 

"Bakugou, you are kind of suffucating me" you choked out after a while.

"Fucking deal with it. You were the one who wanted a shoulder to lean on" 

Yeah, he wouldn't let you go for another ten minutes. Just to make sure. 

A/N: I think it is fairly obvious what movie I am talking about and if you don't know I have to tell you that you missed out big times. Anyway, whenever I watch this movie or even read the book I have tears in my eyes or even freaking cry. I even had tears in my eyes just remembering it right now and I never cry while writing. 

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