You are insecure

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You looked into the mirror while biting your bottom lip. You tried to straighten up yourself a little but when you put one of your hands on your stomach the frown deepened. 

You weren't perfect.

Normally, that wasn't a shocking thing since there shouldn't be a perfect human being out there. You thought so, too. Until you met Bakugou and his female colleagues.

You always had trouble with your weight. You weren't overweight. Maybe people would call you plain normal or even thick which you started to kinda accept at some point.

When you started to go out with Bakugou you even thought that most of your insecurities disappeared since he just seemed to like you the way you were but that was until last Friday.


The two of you went to a party of his agency, so a lot of people would bring their partner along. He had almost begged you to go with him - he wouldnt admit that, of course - because he usual found those get-together extremly boring. You had given in and here you were. 

It was no problem so far since you were mostly just talking with the blond male while the other people minded their own business. That was until a swarm of his his colleagues came over to talk to you or more specifically, Bakugou. Still, you were fine. Like always you would just stay in the background and let the other people do the talking. It wasnt like you had a problem per se with the females of the group, either.  Trust was important and everyone who thought that their partner wasn't allowed to be friends with people from the opposite gender should reconsider how much they truly trust their partner.

But then you suddenly realized that all of them were incredible beautiful and seemingly perfect. They were all skinny. Their hair seemed to look flawless at all times. The make up was perfect and they all seemed nice and confident.

This was how the first toxic thought appeared in your mind: you wondered why Bakugou even looked at you when he could literally date anyone he wanted to.

That's not all, though.

You realized how other girls looked or even flirted with your boyfriend. You probably looked odd as a couple. While he looked like an idol, you couldn't be any more average.

Surprise, surprise but your hair often didn't want to stay the way it should, you weren't the best at putting on make up and your personality wasn't a win either.

So how the hell did you land someone like Bakugou? Sure, he didin't score too many points in the personality category, too but that's only when you didint know him well. When he actually opened up to someone, it became clear that he was truly a good guy. Still annoying as hell but a good guy. 

A small voice in your mind told you that you were way too hard on yourself. That make up didn't make you any better, maybe the hero even liked your natural look. It told you that your hair didn't look as bad as you thought. It told you that all body types were beautiful and that you had your own charm that might have been one of the reasons why the blond fell for you. 


You heard noises coming from the bathroom, indicating that Bakugou was probably done and would be there any second. Not wanting him to see you in such a state, you jumped into your bed, threw the cover over yourself and started to scroll through your phone.

After all, insecurities weren't exactly attractive.

Just as predicted the explosion boy entered the room shortly after. His hair was still wet from taking a shower and he already wore his pajamas.

15 reasons I hate you - Bakugou x Reader (Drabble series, 100 followers special)Where stories live. Discover now