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Vice woke up just to feel his tummy asking for morning snacks. So he went down and find snacks to eat.

He then thought to give Ion some since Ion has been generous lately, and is being really really friendly.

So he went outside and knocked at Ion's door.

"Vice?" A familiar voice asked- shouted.

"Yes!" Vice answered in return

"Come in!" Ion said, instead of opening the door for him. Oh, how rude.

He went inside just to meet Ion's fucking naked perfect body. He's big muscles, has a perfect sculptured body. His morning fucking face. Vice is cursing his self because of the fucking thought. He tried to shoo it away but can he? He just saw his crush's perfect body. He cant calm his hormones but he should. He doesn't want Ion to know he's a gay or  everything will be ruined, and that means their friendship. Vice took a deep breath and walk closer the sleeping Ion.

He tried to wake him up by shaking his shoulders.

"Wake up bitch!" Vice lost his last braincell and patience and shouted at the still sleeping Ion. He pulled the blanket covering Ion's naked body, THAT- that he doesn't even know. He thought he was wearing something down there. But when he removed the blanket, covering Ion, he was just as welcomed by Ion expo. He immediately put the blanket back, and from now on he would never hold nor touch a blanket again.

"Shit!" He cursed knowing his mistake. He covered his both eye with his hand. His fucking innocent eye is no innocent longer. He needs holy water, for god knows. He need to once again calm his hormones. He took a deep breath and looked at Ion, giving him a pissed look.

"Ya! Why are you not wearing something down there?!" Vice asked shouted that made Ion wake up from his dreamy dreamy sleep. Ion smirked by the word.

"Ohhh... did you saw Ion expo?" He asked still smirking. He put his hands under his chin and pretend that he was thinking

"I wonder why is he that big..." he said, obviously still teasing.

"You son of a bitch! You should atleast wear any underwear, fucker!" Vice angrily said that made Ion laughed.

"My eyes are fucking burning." He said still whining.

"Oh babe, not just your eyes burn, but I will also be burning your hole 24/7." He said and winked while smiling like a total maniac.

"Shiya!" [shit] He pushed Ion who just laughed it away.

"Im a fucking man. I want girls. Molerat." Vice said even if we all know, and how God knows that he's been drooling over boys.

"Okay, okay, chill man." Ion said and raised his both hands, giving up.

He stood up, but was suppressed by Vice immediately.

"Bitch! Do you want me to see that thing again? You're standing up without any underwear again? And don't fucking tell me you wont bring your blanket with you."
Ion laughed and shrugged it off.

"You guessed it right, babe." Ion said and winked that made Vice's cheek burn up and was turned to a crimson red color. And as Ion said, he stood up and removed the blanket covering his lower body, infront of Vice. Vice once again saw his expo, he extremely blush that made Ion smirked. He walked away and headed to his kitchen. As for Vice... he was now a blushing mess and is ready to faint anytime.

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