Don't get caught

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Dear diary,                                                                                                                                                             12/24/15

Its Christmas eve...yay.Uhmm not very good things happened earlier.My uncles(of course)got drunk along with their friends,it really wasnt a suprise but again they go all thing led to another and my godmother ended up telling all the kids to go inside because a fight broke out.There was gunshots,but they were aimed at the sky as a joke to them.I was outside still because i didnt hear my godmother to go inside.She and a few others were worried because i witnessed what happened and my father was convineatly also drunk interveaning in the fight.My mother was at home,and my brother inside with the other kids.It felt weird to me that people stared at me as i casually went back to playing games on the tablet.I dont know why people were whispering about me not being bothered and being able to ignore the gunshots and shouts compleatly.

I was confused...

have they never seen fights like this happen?

I was asked to go inside but they were talking to me as if i was some kind of weird being.Being cautious with their words and actions.I did as i was told.The other kids were all over the place,they never stayed in one spot.I didnt really like hanging out with the other kids because they were younger and defenitly not interested into things i did.My aunts have tried multiple times to try and make me hang out with the younger kids and more girls but they just ignored me.I honestly didnt like hanging out with the younger girls,its not that i hated girls because i was compleatly fine with my older cousins.I just didnt like my younger cousins because they would always want me to put on makeup or wear a dress,watch some boring little kid videos,not that all kids videos are bad some are really interesting but they always chose something girly.

Now that i think about it i only took interest in what people would consider boyish and gory ,like cars,toy guns,video games,creepy dolls and stuff like that.

I just noticed that its really quite,no kids running in and out,no shouting,nothing.

I just checked in the rooms,kids hiding,maybe theyre playing hide n seek.I peeked around the corner to look through the glass door that lead to the one.Where could they have gone?Its a large group of people,they cant just dissapear?Maybe i should go check and make sure my eyes arent messing with me.

I just walked into the backyard quietly.The backyard covers the side and the back of the house,meaning it went around the corner of the hose,But it had a is big enough so that a small child cant go over it.I heard them fighting still around the corner.Me being me i wanted to know what hey were fighting about,im able to hide behind the pile of bricks and jump the gate.So i took the risk.

Theyre are fighting about what seemed to be about working,and trying to put the other group to shame for not trying hard enough on their job.Maybe i should go before i get caught.I went back inside quietly,thankfully the didnt hear me jump the gate.I still wanted to know more about who they were talking about.I remembered that my godmother has a window in her room that faces directly into the area they were i was hiding.The wall muffled what they said,all i could make out was money,complaining about not paying,and comparing how hard one group worked then the other.It seemed to be coming to an end so i quickly went to the living room and acted as if i wasnt doing anything.I hope they wont fight later tonight or tomorrow.

Tomorrow's another day.

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