Them as boyfriends

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Seungwoo: Fluffy boyfriend like 80% of the time, but fluffy leader to the guys 90% of the time, so you end up pouting until he gives you the extra 20% 10%.

But would buy you food to make up for it, probably a pastry of some sort.

You both can't stay mad at each other, like, ever. Even the members are whipped for his ass, what makes you think you're special?

Y'all fight mostly about what to eat, or maybe you took too much covers. You just know his bitch ass isn't tryna actually piss you off, and if he did, he'd just be a crackhead until you forgive him.

Does the snuggle thing where he snuggles his head into the crook of your neck because he's cute like that.

Clings to you. All the time. Holding your hand, long cuddles, leaning on your shoulder, small pecks and big hugs. Lays his head on your lap during practice breaks. Hits the members if they try the same.

Seungsik: Sweet and cracky, but within reason, only cracky when you're sad. So don't be sad. I mean unless you wanna throw in a pout here or there some crack, es all up to you.

Acts cute when you ask him to.


Just say the word and he'd do right then and there, regardless of where you are or who you're around.

Would do anything for you, literally.

You're hungry? Calls takeout. You're sleepy? He's got two shoulders, take your pick. Cold? He's got a hoodie. Sad? He's got cuddles.

Babies you around the guys because he just loves you that much. He doesn't care.

Like, have you seen how he mothers Victon? You are no exception. Be prepared for all the love.

He's a koala. All over you. It comes with the loving.

Once you're home, he's extra koala-y so keep ya house cold.

Chan: B a b y. Love him. With your whole heart. Cause he'll love you with his.

Teases you a lot because you're cute when you blush.

Fluffy fluffy all the time.

Likes to hold your hand and do the thumb thing where he just rubs the back of your hand while singing softly or humming.

Speaking of singing, he'll totally sing you to sleep if you asked.

Starts fake arguments about you taking his hoodies but he totally thinks it's cute.

Like? You? His baby? Taking his hoodies to sleep in? Because it helps when you miss him?

He falls deeper in love.

Never tells you the name of his cologne so you're just stuck "stealing" his hoodies. Oops.

Sejun: Was born to be boyfriend material, just look at him.

Like, look at him.

Probably tries to act like guys in the dramas, but I mean, who's complaining.

Always holding your hand whenever you go on dates. Does not let go. There's no reason for him to let go. Like, what's the point of having two hands if one can't be occupied, y'know?

Eye contact is a thing.

Doesn't care if you suck at it, he'll probably stare at you to admire you and such.

Especially on cafe dates.

Will 110% take pictures of you for your insta. Angles and all. There is no angle this boy won't risk to help you, his whole girlfriend, look good.

But constantly says that pictures don't do you justice.

Hanse: Acts like a hardass but totally takes you on cheesy ass dates.

Ice cream shops, walks on the beach, all that foo-foo cute ass shit.

Bakes you a birthday cake, but he fucks up on the icing and 'fixes' it by putting more icing, (A+ for effort) so be prepared for that.

Back to the cheesiness.

Picnic dates are a yes, a very big yes.

Anywhere where he can spend time with you and do nothing much.

He loves it so much.

And when you bring it up, Mr. Hardass comes out and he's like "I never said I wanted to do that, I just remember you saying you wanted to go."

So your fights are deadass petty comments about who said what about your dates, cause les be real, he's probably not gonna piss you off.

Probably eat your food that was in the fridge on purpose and claim it's an accident, but that's literally it.

Byungchan: The sweetest fucking boyfriend in existence and you cannot tell me otherwise. Look at him.

Fucking look at him.

Would totally fight a build-a-bear for you.

Buys you gifts that range from food to something expensive for no fucking reason.

Like, he just saw it, thought it was cute (like you, of course) and buys it.

And you can't yell at him for it because he's so happy and smiley when he gives it to you that you just can't bring yourself to say something against it.

Always pays for dates.

This boy can and will slap your hand away when you reach for your wallet.

Tickles you if you mange to beat him to it.

Like, until you're apologizing and saying you won't do it again.

When you like one of his hoodies a little too much, he'll 'accidentally' leave it at your place. 

Subin: The biggest, cutest baby who will love the ever loving fuck out of you, so you best be doing the same. Don't let me catch you slippin'.

Pouty when you're pouty. Happy when you're happy.

Buys you presents a lot because "I saw this and thought of you." and when you tell him to stop buying so many things for you, he pulls out the puppy dog eyes and "I just wanna spoil you." or some fucking "I just wanna make you happy."

Like, fucking hell, he's cute and he knows it. He'd totally cute his way into getting you to accept it.

You can't win. Just let the boy do what he wants.

Gets shy when it comes to showing affection around the members, but when you're alone, a whole koala.

All over you.

Snuggles, cuddles, letting you use his arm as a pillow when you nap, or lets you lay your head on his lap while he plays with your hair.

The whole shabang.

The only time he does show affection around the others is when the other members playfully compliment you or give skinship here and there and he kinda just pulls you into him and doesn't let go.

Originally posted 9.3.19 on Tumblr.

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