Reaction to another member flirting with you

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Seungwoo: *Doesn't say anything until the day after but totally abuses his role as leader.*

"Maybe practice should last longer the next time she comes over." He threatened. "Then you'll be too tired to flirt."

Seungsik: *Makes up an excuse to leave the dorm because he knows you'll follow him.*

"We need stuff for dinner so I'm gonna go to the store." He sighed, getting up and grabbing his jacket off the couch, smiling as you got up too. "Bye."

Chan: *Wracks his brain for a way to pull you away without giving away how he actually feels about the situation.*

"Babe, babe, babe, babe." He called, not stopping until you finally responded. "Can you come help me with dinner?"

Sejun: *Makes empty threats but most likely won't need to act on them cause the members completely believe him.*

"You do know I cook dinner right?" He smiled. "So unless you wanna starve for the next couple days, I'd move."

Hanse: *Makes sass-filled comments the whole time because of course Sejun would interrupt your movie date just to flirt with you.*

"She's kinda like, my girlfriend." He glared, throwing an arm around you. "And I kinda like, know where you sleep."

Byungchan: *Tries and fails to get your attention away from Hanse, so he moves to trying to get him to walk away.*

"Be a shame if you came across a bug in the middle of the night.." He trailed off. "Especially if I wasn't there to kill it for you."

Subin: *Knows he doesn't stand a chance against Seungwoo so he tries to make you walk away.*

"Hey, can you whisper something in my ear real quick?" He asked, smirking when the older boy complied before looking at you. 

Originally posted 9.22.19 on Tumblr.

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