Reaction to you wanting to try cockwarming

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Seungwoo: *Doesn't take long for him to agree. Takes it as a challenge to see who would give in first.*

"No moving." He reminded with a smirk as you tried to move against him. "This was your idea, remember?"

Seungsik: *Genuinely thought you wanted to try something new but starts to think otherwise.*

"This isn't fair," He groaned as you clenched around him. "You're fucking with me, aren't you?"

Sejun: *Lets you talk him into it and ends up regretting it because you obviously lied.*

"And you said this would be easy." He sighed as he fought back the urge to move. "I hate you."

Heochan: *Lets you fuck with him to a point but the man only has so much patience.*

"Fuck, don't do that." He groaned as you rolled your hips. "I can't hold back that much."

Hanse: *Knows one hundred percent that you wouldn't be able to do it but agrees anyway.*

"You won't last." He let out an airy chuckle at the thought. "We both know you'd cave."

Byungchan: *Tried his hardest not to move but eventually gives in because it's just too much for him.*

"I can't help it," He started, his hands pulling you closer. "You just feel too good for me not to."

Subin: *Agreed because he thought it would be easy but finds out very quickly that it isn't.*

"Baby, fuck," He bit his lip as he screwed his eyes shut. "I really don't think I can do this."

Originally posted 10.20.20 on Tumblr.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2020 ⏰

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