Byungchan as a dom

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First things first, soft dom. Gentle in the streets but will fuck ya shit up in bed.

Second, he's a hoe. But a hoe in private.

Stage hoe? Totally. But the second he's off stage he's a baby.

But if you tease him about being a baby, he's no longer a baby.

"Do you really like teasing me that much?"

"You know it only gets you in trouble."

He has a size kink.




Fight me on this. I dare you.

He l o v e s seeing how small you are compared to him.

Like, towering over you and being able to completely cover you and cage you in just really hits different.

And he knows you love it, too.

Like, the little whines you let out when he talks about it just tells him you enjoy it as much as he does.

"You're so tiny, baby. Are you sure you can take it?"

If you can't tell, dirty talk is a strong point. But more in the fact that he knows how to use it to make you weak.

And your reactions feed his ego.

Won't hesitate to shoot you a dirty text from across the room or lean in to whisper something into your ear just for the fuck of it.

But remember the hoe in private part? He's gonna expect you to act like what he told you was something totally not rated M.

And if you even let it slip that it wasn't.


"Did you want the guys to see you all flustered?"

"Did you want them to know what we were talking about?"

The amount of teasing is ungodly, just the thought has me offended.

Might make you beg.

Also might settle for a pouty face.

Just wants to see you needy for it.

Because he's so used to people calling him soft and baby, so seeing you all desperate for him just gets him, y'know?

Might be into bondage.

Blindfolds for sure but it's probably his tie.

The tie would be for restraints, too.

But only your hands.

I could see him throwing you around a bit, but only to switch positions. Size kink again.

Wall sex when he's impatient.

Like, just shoving you against it and holding you still. oOf

Probably would hold you still with his hand on the back of your neck.

Speaking of.

Would choke you if you asked.

Never on his own because he wants you to s a y it.

Loves to see his big hand on your tiny neck.

Especially if you have hickies.

But that's rare 'cause he prefers to leave them where only he can see them.

Cause he's a private hoe.

"You look so pretty covered in my marks, baby."

But back to the choking.

The little gasps? The whimpers? The whines?

He gets off on it.

Your hand coming up to grab his wrist as he presses harder?





Smiles when you ask him for more. Especially if it comes out breathy.

"You might pass out if I keep this up."

"You'd probably like that, though."

"And I could do whatever I want to you."

Let's not forget the good-good.

I honestly can't see him having a favorite position per say, but like, doggy and missionary are top two. Not too adventurous.

If it's missionary, he likes to keep eye contact.

Feeds his ego if you can't hold it.

Or if you look away.

"Is my baby shy?"

Makes you look back at him and he just gives you the softest fucking look like he's not fucking you into the mattress.

If it's doggy, he totally has a hand in your hair holding you up or down. Depends on the day.

Like, if you made him mad, best believe he's holding you down and just taking it all out.

It's all for him, too. He doesn't wanna hear you.

But if it's normal and his hand is holding you up, the other is probably on your hip.

Or spanking you.

Who knows.

Likes to point out that he knows you're close.

Might deny you.

Just to hear you whine.

But gives in pretty quickly.

Unless you made him mad.

Might make you hold it.

Or pull out completely.

Like, four times.

But you'll cum eventually, he's not that hard on you.

Probably stays still a little while after you both calm down.

When he does pull out, he pretty much pulls you into a cuddle.

You have to convince him to shower because he probably won't want to.

He does it though because napping while sweaty is gross.

Might have a soft shower, might have a foreplay shower. Depends if he's still horny.

Totally messes with you in the shower, if he is though.

But it won't lead to much unless you let it.

Lets you wear his hoodie to sleep.

Size kink :))

A1 nap afterwards because he got that good cuddle.

Plus his hoodie.

Like napping in heaven.


Originally posted 6.8.20 on Tumblr.

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