Seungwoo as a dom

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First things first, he's not a soft dom, but he's definitely not a hard-hard dom. He's somewhere in between though. Might depend on the day.

Definitely a dom outside of the bedroom though.

You can fight me on that.

We all know that Seungwoo knows he's hot, no amount of aegyo can cover that shit, no matter how hard he tries.

That being said, he knows his effect on you and enjoys making you flustered.

Especially in public.

Not the type to get too physical if you know what I mean but definitely fucks with you mentally.

Small glances, light touches, subtle lip bites and eyebrow lifts.

Probably texts you suggestive texts around the members and waits for your reaction.

'Member how I said he likes making you flustered? This is one of those.

Likes to see you blush at the text and stare at your phone, too scared to look up.

And he just smirks before sending another one.

Or maybe speaks up, trying to fight his smirk.

Something like, "Babe, are you okay? You don't look so good?"

Probably asks another member, just so you're put on the spot.

"Seungsik, y/n doesn't feel so good, can you make some tea?"

Smirks when you blush even more at the extra attention.

Definitely keeps the teasing up until you finally put your phone away, trying to ignore him.

But it's Seungwoo we're talking about.

So he'll probably move next to you, maybe throw an arm around you and lick his lips.

Whispers every now and then.

Basically waiting for you to give up.

When you finally do give up, it's always like a small plea for him to shut up and he's just havin' a gay ol' time as he says you're still feeling unwell and that he's gonna take you home.

Smirking the whole time.

The whole way to the car; smirking.

The whole ride to your place; smirking.

It only drops when he's finally got you inside.

Depending on how needy he is, he may or may not make it to the bedroom.

But for the sake of smut, let's say he's making a pit stop on the couch.

His shirt is always the first thing off, 'cause y'know, he knows.

Since you're on the couch though, it's probably coming off mid makeout session.

You're on his lap of course.

The kiss doesn't even start off nice. After all that teasing he ain't playin'.

He likes it when your fingers linger over his chest, especially when they reach towards his abs.

'Cause he's a cocky little shit.

His hands start on your hips before moving down to rub your thighs.

He's not really gentle.

Even if he tries to be, his strength gets the best of him and he's grabbing at everything he can get his hands on while he moves his kisses down your neck.

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