Reaction to you being too shy to have sex in the dorm

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Seungwoo: *Only asked because he remembered that you wanted to 'try something new' and this was the perfect chance to try.*

"All I have to do is lock the door." He chuckled. "But don't act like you wouldn't mind getting caught."

Seungsik: *Normally wouldn't ask but since you're both stuck at the dorms, there's not much of a choice.*

"Please, baby?" He tried, pressing small kisses along your neck. "I'll make it quick, I promise."

Heochan: *Too worked up to even care because what's the worst the guys could do.*

"Babe, c'mon," He whined, a small pout growing on his lips. "If they do walk in, they'll just walk back out."

Sejun: *Taken aback because you agreed but couldn't help but love the blush on your face when you had trouble keeping quiet.*

"Shh, baby." He smirked as he kissed your cheek, teasingly rolling his hips. "Everyone's asleep."

Hanse: *Likes that the idea made you shy and tries to make you more flustered because why not.*

"If you're so scared of being too loud," He started before grabbing a tie. "We could always gag you."

Byungchan: *Knows full well that you can't keep quiet for shit and lowkey loves the idea of someone walking in.*

"It wouldn't hurt to try, though." He tried as he licked his lips. "It can't be that hard to stay quiet, right?"

Subin: *Knows full well that the guys wouldn't care because you wouldn't be the first to fuck in the dorm.*

"Don't worry," He smirked as ran a calming hand over your thigh. "They'll tune it out, trust me."

Originally posted 9.2.20 on Tumblr.

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