VI. The Weald

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Marnie twinged at the pain as Marcus cleaned her wound with a wet cotton ball, making an earnest effort to be as gentle as possible.

"Sorry", Marcus apologized with a hint of remorse, "I'm almost done, just trying to clean out any debris."

"Don't worry about it", Marnie replied. "I took the cut, I can take this."

Marcus chuckled. "You know, if I were in your shoes right now, I'd be complaining way more about the treatment than the injury."

Marnie raised a brow. "Oh really?", she asked. "You're one of those types of people, huh?"

"The correct term for what you're referring to is "weenie", and yes", Marcus replied with a laugh.

Marnie couldn't help but chuckle under her breath. "Well, guess I should'a figured, seein' how you're dressed and all", she jested. "You look like someone straight outta the Circhester Holiday Catalogue."

"Hey, I look good", Marcus defended, his eyes meeting hers, "and besides, it's the perfect disguise for when I'm trying to avoid the tabloids and fan clubs and stuff."

"Really?", Marnie inquired. "Y'know, most people try dressin' down to avoid attention, not get all gussied up."

"True", Marcus started as he continued dressing Marnie's injury, "but when everybody gets used to their champion dressing like a bum on his down-time, and they know exactly what colored Gengar t-shirt to look for, I think a change of strategy is in order."

Marnie nodded slightly in understanding. "Well, just so ya know... I was just joshin' before", she stated, hanging on to trepidation as she tried giving voice to what she wanted to say next. C'mon, how do I say this without soundin' weird, she thought to herself nervously. "You're lookin'... pretty... alright...", she said.

C'mon, Marnie, get it together!

Marcus chuckled. "You know, if anyone else but you worded it that way, I would've thought they were joking", he replied with a smile.


"Truth be told, though, the new outfit does serve another purpose", Marcus added.

Marnie looked at him quizzically. "Yeah? Like what?"

"Well, it's quite simple", Marcus began, " it makes me look professional. And if I look professional, I feel professional. You see, me being the champion and all is great for my self-esteem until you factor in all of the interviews and talk shows and autograph signings and, really, just anything that requires even the most basic people-skills."

Marnie just stared at Marcus as he continued to tangent.

"See, everyone looks at the champion like some kind of celebrity, right? I mean, it makes sense when you think about it, but I promise they're not the same thing. Leon was a champion who just so happened to have a celebrity personality, he could play the role of both as he needed to. Me, on the other hand, I am a champion who just so happens to be a nervous child", he proclaimed, his delivery rooted in a dry humor.

Marnie snickered quietly behind a subtle grin and pursed lips. She didn't want to give off the impression that she was laughing at him.

"Now I was provided with a manager", Marcus continued. "His name is Avery, he's kinda high-strung, and I feel like I get on his nerves just by breathing funny or something sometimes. But you know, he gave me some really helpful advice when we first met. Like, I was just fumbling through public appearances at the very beginning, like, it was bad", he stated, his words increasing in pace as his story progressed, "like I'm pretty sure if Munchlax ever saw any of these appearances on TV, he would've thought about putting me up for adoption just out of shame with the hope of no longer having to associate with me and my terrible people skills."

My Name is Marcus: UmbraWhere stories live. Discover now