Act 2

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Some time after Barry got hit by Chloroform gas, he regained consciousness to see not only Kara tied up but himself before seeing Iris leaning on the ledge of the roof.

"Well, well, well if it isn't my least favorite 'brother', how was your sleep?" She asked as she looks at him.

Barry grunted in response before speaking. "Let Kara go!"

"Oh, I'll let her go but I still have to fulfill my promise to her." Iris replied as she grabs a gun.


"Kara what's wrong because you're not yourself?" Barry asked worried.

"Its just Iris and what she almost made me get." Kara responds looking down to the ground.

"What'd she say?" Barry asked.

"She said 'I did this because if I can't have Barry, neither does Kara!' cause she wants you to be her's and not mine!" Kara said hurrying her face onto Barry's shirt causing him to hug her.


"Iris please don't! We can work it out a different way!" Barry pleaded as Iris raised the weapon in her hand.

"I'm sorry Barry but I can't live in a world without having to deal with you hanging out with other girls." Iris explains as she fires the gun as Kara ran towards Barry's protection before collapsing due to the lack of air in her lungs as the bullet hits the bottom of her ribcage.

"Kara!" Barry yelled as he struggles to get to her.

"Well at least this will teach other girls not to mess with you." Iris said as she laughs.

Barry was then looking for the wound inorder stop the bleeding the best he could until he saw that there was no blood but a smashed up bullet.

Kara then began to gasp as she began breathes and turns towards Iris' gun and with her heat vision, she knocks it out of her before mentioning Barry for her Bracelet to which he gives her.

As the two girls spar, Barry was trying to untie himself just as the Rooftop door opened. "CCPD!" Someone yelled causing the two fighting girls to stop.

"Joe!" Barry yelled in glee to see his adopted father come.

"Iris West you're under arrest for attempted murder, anything you say will be and used against you in a court of law." He said as he reads her the Miranda Rights.

"I'll be back!" Iris said as she hopped of the building and unknowingly to Astra's hands.

With Iris trying to break hold of the elder Kryptonian, Astra flew towards Joe and said. "Detective, make sure to have the building surrounded before this happens."

"Thank you 'Superwoman'." Joe said as he grabs his daughter before placing her in handcuffs as other officers arrived after Astra flew off into the sky.

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