Kara's Confession

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"What do you mean that I'm expelled?" Kara asked the principal. "Since you emailed letters of hatred to all the teachers which means-." The principal explained until Mrs. Grant and the computer teacher Mr. Lord barged in. "Trying to accuse an innocent student , Greg?" Ms. Grant said as she was holding a laptop. "Because I was about to sign out for the day when I saw a confrontation between our STAR runner and my two Journos, cause if you haven't figured it out, yesterday Barry came to me before class and told me about what was going on with both him and Iris."
Cat explains as she powers on her laptop as Lord hands over a piece of paper to Principal Berlanti. "Sir here's the article about Barry's rage caused by Iris.


After reviewing all the evidence, principal Berlanti had no choice but to lift Kara's expulsion and apologizes to her adopted parents as he calls on Iris to the office. Iris later arrived to see her dad, Kara, The Danvers, along with two of the teachers. "Iris would you mind explaining about these emails you sent to all the teachers using Kara's email since her parents said that at the time she was dropped by her door by a fellow student emails under her name were sent?" Iris responds yelling. "I did this because if I can't have Barry, neither does Kara!" Joe yelled at his daughter. "Barry told you that he was finished with you due to that stunt you pulled with that Eddie because you wanted to put your relationship to the next level."

By the time all this fiasco was over, Barry was able to see Kara who had her hood on as he was heading towards the office to pick up his McDonald's breakfast that was waiting for him by GrubHub as it was snacktime and he didn't had time to get breakfast before school. "Kara what's wrong because you're not yourself?"  Barry asked worried. "Its just Iris and what she almost made me get." Kara responds looking down to the ground. "What'd she say?" Barry asked. 'She said 'I did this because if I can't have Barry, neither does Kara!' cause she wants you to be her's and not mine!" Kara said hurrying her face onto Barry's shirt causing him to hug her. "Why was my 'sister' trying to get rid of you?" Barry asked as Kara looks at him sniffing as tears started form in her eyes. "I have a confession to make Barry." "What is it Kara?" "The main reason why Iris was jealous and tried to get rid of me its its because I love you!" Kara said as she burries herself onto Barry's shirt once more and giving in to tears. Barry did a soft laugh as Kara looks up at him. "You've just took the words out off my mouth cause I was planning to tell you that and ask for for you to become my new girlfriend." Barry explains wiping the tears off her face. "Let me get my breakfast andI'll share it with you that way you can feel like your cheery self again." Kara stood in place surprised at what Barry asked her to become as he left to the office to get his breakfast.

Author's Note: I couldn't think of a name for the principle until I added Cat Grant into the picture when I thought of using the creator/producer of the Arrowverse Greg Berlanti. And talk about two updates in one day cause it's easy for now until sometime later

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