Chapter Four

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"You're not supposed to be in here," The boy says to me, stalking right up to me and taking the photograph out of my hand. Both of our wands have been returned to our robes, now that we clearly know that we aren't threats to each other.

"I was trying to find you. You're Narcissa's son right?" I ask him gently. I've learned that when it comes to angry people, the best thing you can do is be as kind as you can in order to not further agitate them.

He scoffs. "No, I'm the homeless boy who lives here," He drawls sarcastically. "I prefer to go by Draco Malfoy rather than Narcissa's son," He adds. A small smirk has crept upon his lips but his eyes remain stoic and rigid.

"Well, I'll take that as your introduction. I'm Amelia Grey," I tell him, putting my hand out for him to shake.

Draco looks down at my hand with a disgusted look. "I already know who you are. You're the American girl who's coming to live with us," He says, an unpleasant tone laced in his voice.

My nose wrinkles unconsciously at not only his rudeness, but at the specifics of his comment. "I'm only on holiday here," I tell him matter of factly. "I'll be back at Ilvermorny next month," I add.

Draco lets out a cold laugh. "And I'm best friends with Harry Potter!" He exclaims, clearly brings sarcastic. What is his problem?

I roll my eyes. Draco and I clearly aren't going to be friends. Thank god I only have to put up with him this month.

"Your father told my father that you're a blood traitor. I must say, it is quite low of your father to talk smack about his own daughter. He must really hate you," Draco says, a sinister grin playing on his lips. I only notice now how much taller he is than I am, he must be at least seven or eight inches taller than me.

"Actually, unlike my parents, I'm kind to everyone regardless of their blood status. You should try it sometime. It never hurts to be nice," I say, mustering up the sweetest smile I can have.

Draco narrows his eyes. "So it's true then, you are a blood traitor," He says.

I refuse to respond to his narrow minded comment and instead walk past him. I quickly head down the stairs and return to where the adults are, with Draco following right behind me.

The stoic looks on the adults face clearly indicate that they are discussing something serious, but their frowns quickly morph into feigned smiles at the sight of us. My father sends me daggers with his eyes, but I easily ignore his nonverbal message.

"Draco, Amelia! I see you two have met!" Narcissa says, clapping her hands together excitedly.

Draco sends his mother a sickenly sweet smile. "Amelia is lovely," Draco says. "I can't wait to attend Hogwarts with her," He says, looking directly at me for the last part.

That conniving little rat. He made sure to say that in front of my parents so they would have to come clean and tell me where they really plan for me to go to school next term. I glare at his silver eyes with my blue ones, and he just innocently shrugs.

My mother purses her lips. "Amelia, may your father and I talk to you? In private?" She asks.

My fists ball up at my side and I clench my jaw. Reluctantly, I nod and follow both of my parents to the corner of the room. It is taking every muscle in my body to restrain myself from pulling out my wand and cursing the both of them.

"Amelia, your mother and I have made the decision to send you to Hogwarts for the rest of your education," My father tells me, looking stern.

I gape are them. I've known for awhile that they don't love me like traditional parents, but they really had the audacity to force me to switch schools in the middle of my time there?

"At least you have a chance to redeem yourself and get sorted into Slytherin," My mother says.

My fist balls up by my side. I want to punch them both. I want to whip out my wand and deliver an awful jinx their way. I want to-

I can't think like this.

Instead, I turn on my heel and storm out of the room, leaving my parents and the Malfoys dumbfounded. I walk up the set of stairs again, only to be stumped once I reach the top of the staircase. I still have no idea where I'll be staying.

"Your room is the third door to the left," Draco says from behind me.

I raise an eyebrow at him. "And how do I know you aren't lying to me?" I question skeptically.

Draco rolls his grey eyes before stepping in front of me. He gestures for me to follow him and I quickly do so, since I don't have anywhere else to go. He leads me down the corridor and to the third door on the left. It's a long, white door with a silver handle.

Before I can open the door, Draco jiggles the knob and pushes it open for me. In the room, is a full size bed with a black comforter, grey walls, and black curtains. It's very beautiful yet gothic. Something I can tell the Malfoy family resembles.

I turn around to say thank you, but he's already gone.

Closing the door behind me, I walk further into my new room. It's beautiful- and I guess since I'll be here for a couple of weeks I can make it my own. I sit down cross legged on my new bed and pull out another piece of parchment, I might as well write to Francesca right now.

Dear Francesca,

A short holiday to England has turned disastrous. My parents want me to attend Hogwarts for the rest of my years! I'm so sorry but I don't think I'll be seeing you or Grayson for a long time. I'll visit next Summer, I promise.

How has your Summer been going?

Love, Amelia

I seal the letter in an envelope and deliver it to Willow, who I know will be able to find the owlery easily. I collapse onto my bed, leaning my head against the pillow tiredly.

This is my new reality now.

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