Chapter Eighty Nine

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"Amelia," Draco sobs. "I'm so sorry . . . you didn't deserve this. It should've been me. I did this to you. I brought you into this and I killed you before you could fix it," He crawls over to my limp body and wraps his arm around me shakily.

"Am I dead?" I whisper.

"What the 'ell?" Draco whispers in shock, jumping back and away from me. "How did you —?"

"I'm alive . . .," I say slowly.

"Amelia . . . you arm," Draco whispers in astonishment.

My left arm, which had become exposed in my near death experience, was bare. Any sign of the Dark Mark ever being there had vanished.

Draco's mouth blubbers in shock but he can't seem to say a word properly. He pulls me into a tight embrace, so tight that I think this is the way I might actually die.

"How am I alive . . . ? The prophecy!" I whisper hiss. "How could we be so stupid? We've never been able to hurt each other with it . . . Blair didn't know that though, so obviously Voldemort didn't know!"

Draco's eyes widen. "You have to get out of here."

"I'm not leaving you! Besides, I have nowhere else to go!" I cry. "There's nothing left for me."

"Unless you want us both to die, then you have to leave. Apparate somewhere . . . can you apparate to the Burrow?" Draco asks desperately.

"Well, I definitely can, but they hate —"

"Draco, what's taking you so long? I saw the green light! Return to me this instant!" Voldemort screams from the outside room.

He plants a brief kiss on my lips. "Go. You have to. I'll find you eventually. I promise I'll see you again."

"Promise?" I ask weakly.

"I promise," He says. There's a newfound look on his face — one that does not contain any fear or heartbreak on his face. Instead, it has been replaced with hope. "Take this, I brought it with me."

He hands me my wand — twelve inches, with a unicorn tail hair as a core and acacia wood.

"I love you," I whisper. I close my eyes and begin to think of the Burrow, the place where the Weasleys and Harry Potter spent most of their time at.

Destination. Determination. Deliberation.


The next thing I'm aware of, is I'm standing in the Weasley's kitchen. Fred (or George?) has his back turned to me and he's rummaging through the fridge. The second he hears someone behind him, he turns around suddenly. It's Fred.

"Amelia? What're — are you okay?" He asks after seeing my heartbroken expression and tears down my face. I can't seem to say anything, I just merely shake my head.

He seems to understand what I'm trying to say, because he wraps his arms around me in a brotherly hug. I don't melt into his arms as I would with Draco, but the comfort is something I need right now.

"Fred! Have you seen my — What the hell are you doing here, Amelia? Get out! Mum!" Ginny screams entering the kitchen. She looks as if she'd just woken up Ginny.

"Now, Ginny, it's hardly nine o'clock! What're you screaming about now?" Molly asks, stampeding down the stairs and rushing into the kitchen.

"Amelia Grey is here," Ginny huffs. "Remember what Harry told us? How she nearly killed Dumbledore? Fred have you completely forgotten about that?"

"Ginny, have you no empathy? Go off to your room! Make yourself useful and fetch Harry, Ronald, and Hermione for me while you're at it!" Molly scolds before turning to me sympathetically. "Amelia, may I ask, are you alright?"

I pull away from Fred's grip, tears running down my eyes. "It's — I — I'm sorry . . ."

"Just calm down, Amelia, don't worry for now," Molly says just as Harry, Ron, and Hermione come trotting down the stairs. I assume Ginny has informed them that I'm here because they look angry and distrustful.

"Blimey! What are you doing here?" Ron says angrily, standing in front of Hermione protectively at the sight of me.

"You guys, I —"

"Why did you let her in? She could have an army of Death Eaters coming here any minute!" Ron shouts to his mother angrily. "And you, Fred? Comforting a Death Eater! It's because of her that George lost an ear!"

"Stop it!" I shriek, pulling down my sleeve to show them my empty arm. "I'm not here to hurt you guys, believe me. If I wanted to, I would have."

"Why are you here?" Hermione asks distrustfully. "On Harry's birthday, out of all occasions?"

"I wouldn't know!" I shout at Hermione defiantly. "I've spent two days locked in an empty room in isolation! They've tried to kill me! And you think I'm on the same side as them?"

I haven't even noticed that angry tears have started to fall down my face.

"Where's Voldemort now?" Harry asks quietly.

"He was at the Manor when I'd last checked . . . I heard something about him leaving soon, though," I answer him weakly, the tears still falling. "Happy birthday, by the way."

Harry stifles a small laugh. "Thanks," He says, walking over to me and giving me a hug. "Welcome back to the good side."

"How can you trust her?" Hermione shrieks.

"Hermione, don't you see? She's always been good. I saw it. Even Draco . . . he may be a slimy git, but he isn't evil. Amelia has information that none of us know. She can help us. Er — that is, if you want to," Harry says awkwardly, looking at me.

"I'll help," I sniffle. "I'm sorry, for everything. Love makes you do insane things."

"You love him? Malfoy?" Ron asks.

I nod slowly. "Yes, I do. All too much."

Hermione huffs. "I'll forgive you for what you've, but I will not forget. One wrong move, Amelia, and the entire Order will be against you."

Harry and Ron look a bit more sympathetic. "I'm so happy you've returned, I've missed you," Harry says kindly to me. Ron nods and sends me a smile.

"I've always loved Grey," Fred chuckles. "Even as a Death Eater, she's always been a sweetheart. If you decide to return to Hogwarts next year, you'll prank the Slytherins again for me, won't you?"

I giggle. "Of course."

I pull Harry, Ron, Hermione, Fred and Molly into a long hug. I feel so much better being back on the good side.


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