Chapter Five

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             The next two weeks with the Malfoys were much calmer than I would have thought. My parents, Lucius, and Narcissa got along with each other extremely well, leaving Draco and I alone in the manor by ourselves often. I usually stayed reserved in my room, either studying for next year's classes or writing letters to my friends. Draco stayed inside his room mostly as well, but I do not know what he has been doing. I've seen him leave the manor a few times with his broom and a snitch to practice Quidditch but that's it.

It wasn't until August 18th that Draco interacted with me for a second time.

"Wake up!" Draco whispers. Although my eyes are shut, I can still feel the darkness throughout my room. It can't be later than six in the morning.

Draco shakes my shoulder harder until I force my eyes open. The sun hasn't even risen. Draco is dressed in an ostentatious black blazer with a black collared shirt underneath.

"What-?" I mumble confused.

"My father is forcing me to take you to the Quidditch World Cup with us," Draco grumbles. "Hurry up and get dressed, we have seats in the Top Box!" He adds. Despite him going to the World Cup with stellar seats, a smile has not passed his face once.

I roll out of bed, still groggy. "Get out," I order.

Draco obliges and I sort through my drawers in order to find something to wear. Should I dress formal since Draco was dressed nice?

I throw on a creme white sweater and a black skirt. At times like these I am grateful for my naturally straight hair- it saves so much work when I'm in a rush. I put diamond studded earrings in my ears and put my silver locket around my neck. I don't bother putting on any makeup.

Within fifteen minutes, I'm ready, and I walk down the stairs where the Malfoys and my parents are.

"Good morning," I greet them kindly, a small forced smile comes upon my lips. Truth be told, the only person I can tolerate is Narcissa, who has given me no reason to dislike her. Lucius hasn't been rude to me, but my gut tells me he is someone I should not trust nor mess with.

My father nods at me in acknowledgment. "So I assume you are going to the Quidditch World Cup?"

I nod. "Thanks for telling me," I mutter sarcastically. My father chooses to ignore that comment and instead dives into conversation with Lucius. My mother and Narcissa do the same, leaving Draco and I with just each other to talk to.

Draco walks up to me with a mischievous smirk on his face. "Do you even watch Quidditch?" He asks.

I shrug. "I don't really keep up with international teams, but I played for Ilvermorny," I tell him.

His mouth gapes in surprise. "But, y-you're a girl! Girls aren't supposed to play Quidditch!" He stammers quietly, making sure either of our parents won't hear us.

I blatantly roll my eyes at his sexism. "This isn't the fourteenth century," I whisper angrily. "My house won the house cup last year and I'm probably better than you," I hiss.

Draco laughs coldly, no emotion in his silver eyes. "That we'll see about."


Hours later, Lucius, Draco and I arrive at the Quidditch Trillenium Stadium. I stay quiet for the majority of the time while Lucius and Draco talk for most of the time. The Top Box held around twenty people and it was decorated in a valiant shade of purple and gold. I didn't know Draco's family was affluent enough to purchase these seats.

"Blimey Dad, how far up are we?" A ginger haired boy around my age asks a man from above us. The man is a carbon copy of the teenager, except his ginger hair is darker with a few scattered grey hairs. I tilt my head up to look at the boy only to see that he's with an entire clan of ginger children as well as a brown haired girl and boy.

"Well put it this way," Lucius calls from below them. "If it rains, you'll be the first to know," He sneers. Draco and I stop in our tracks behind him.

Before I can react, Draco adds on. "Father and I are at the Minister's box! By personal invitation of Cornelius Fudge himself!" He tells the people above us in a snobby way. I can't help but notice how he failed to mention me in his statement.

"Don't boast, Draco," Lucius scolds. "There's no need with these people," He adds, glaring at the group of people in front of us. My cheeks turn red from embarrassment- that was rude!

Lucius sticks his cane so it is right in front of the brown haired boy. "Do enjoy yourself, won't you? While you can," He says directly to the boy.

I glance up at the boy and send him an apologetic look. He offers me a small smile before one of the ginger boys grabs his arm and leads him up to one of the higher seats. I wrap my arms around my chest and quickly follow Lucius and Draco.

By the time we reach the Top Box, I've completely forgotten about the sour encounter. The Top Box is beautiful- it holds about twenty or so people and it is decorated in a valiant shade of purple and gold. The stadium itself looked as if it could hold one hundred thousand people.

"I reckon Ireland is going to win," Draco piped up, speaking to me for the first time since we got here.

I raise an eyebrow. "But doesn't Bulgaria have Krum? I heard he's an excellent seeker," I reply. I truly don't know much about Quidditch or its players, but I remember Grayson was obsessed with Viktor Krum and would tell me all about him.

Draco rolls his eyes. "Ireland is much better," He scoffs. "I doubt you'd know though."

The anthem starts to play and the games begin.

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