Chapter Forty Eight

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The days had gone by so quickly that I hadn't even realized Quidditch tryouts were today. The returning team met at the pitch at nine in the morning this Saturday — with the exception of Brian Urquhart and Cassius Warrington, both of whom had finished their schooling at Hogwarts last year.

"Alright," Montague says to me, Pucey, Bletchley, and Malfoy. "We have two open beater positions again and we need someone to take them. Any suggestions on who we could tryout?"

The five of us grow silent for a moment before Malfoy pipes up. "Crabbe and Goyle. They're a bit incompetent but they're so large that they're nearly indestructible," He tells Montague arrogantly.

Montague nods. "Mount your brooms. Pucey and Amelia, take the potential Chasers. Bletchley, Keepers. Malfoy, Seekers. I've got Beaters."

Draco's face turns pink after Montague mentions how somebody could be possibly be trying out for his position. After Montague's small monologue, a large group of Slytherins enter the pitch, including Zabini, Crabbe, and Goyle.

"Chasers, over here!" Pucey yells, waving his arms to gesture over the potential chasers. It feels odd being the one helping with tryouts and not being the one to try out. Nevertheless, Pucey and I manage to get all the chasers in one area.

There's about fifteen of them — most of them being confident second years, with the exception of a few older students. Blaise Zabini cannot be missed as he is the largest one in the group. Truth be told, they'll all probably end up without a spot on the team since the Chaser position is filled up.

"We'll be doing a few laps around the pitch. Follow Amelia. I'll be eliminating the ones who can't keep up," Pucey orders, staring at them intimidatingly.

"Go fast," He whispers in my ear, before loudly shouting "GO!"

I mount my broom and fly quickly around the pitch. The attendees fly behind me. Some of them have managed to somewhat keep with my pace, but the majority of them are far behind. Poor Zabini is far behind with all of the second and third years.

Pucey sends home eight of them — including Zabini — so that there are seven potential Chasers left. We run a few drills with the Quaffle before Montague flys over to us with a cheeky grin on his face.

"No point in keeping 'em here. We have all the Chasers we need," He tells me and Pucey. "CHASERS! You're all dismissed! Come back next year!" He shouts, cupping a hand around his mouth.

"Crabbe and Goyle aren't as bad as I'd thought," Montague confesses. "Still need a bit of practice, but they're doable. They work quite well together actually." He turns to face the whole team. "Good work today everyone! See you next week!"

Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle approach me once we've all changed out of our Quidditch gear. "Hey, Grey. Come here with us for a second, will you?" Draco says imperatively.

I walk over to them cautiously. "Yeah . . .?"

Draco grabs my arm maliciously. "Gryffindor has their first practice right now. Let's go watch Weasley!" He says sinisterly.

I yank my arm out of his grip. "Watch you make fun of my friend? No thanks," I say hostilely.

"Wouldn't want our little secret to get out . . . about how you can't jinx me," He whispers in my ear sneakily. "Besides, I'm just asking you to watch with us. You don't have to say anything."

I roll my eyes. "Don't try to blackmail me, Malfoy, because you don't want to go there. Fine, I'll go. But not because you blackmailed me, because I want to watch my friends. One foul word about Ron and I'm leaving right then and there."

Draco smiles giddily.

To my surprise, a lot of the Slytherins came to watch, including the entire Quidditch team. I easily blend in with the others.

"Montague, what're you doing here?" I ask.

He smirks. "I ought to find out the Gryffindors strategies before we play them, eh?"

"What's that Weasley's riding?" Draco says, being obnoxiously loud intentionally so that Ron would hear him. "Why would anyone put a Flying Charm on a moldy old log like that?"

Pansy, Crabbe, and Goyle guffaw in laughter. Draco smirks, looking pleased with himself.

"Hey Johnson, what's that hairstyle anyway? Why would anyone want to look like they've got worms coming out of their head?" Pansy shrieks loudly.

"Stop it, all of you!" I shout, embarrassed.

"I forgot you fancy Potter, Grey," Draco says in an annoyed tone. "Hey Potter! How's your scar feeling? Sure you don't need a lie-down? It must be, what, a whole week since you were in the hospital wing, that's a record for you, isn't it?" He yells.

"You're all ridiculous!" I shout, looking directly at Draco. I turn on my heel, and storm out of the pitch, muttering angry and inappropriate words to myself.

"Grey! Grey! Hey Grey!" Draco calls from behind me.

I turn around, and to my surprise, he's the only one there. I'd have thought at least Crabbe and Goyle would have followed him out to me.

"What?" I spit angrily.

"It was only a joke," He tells me as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. "Besides, if you fancy Potter so much, you can tell him that we were only there to bother Weasley," He says. For a brief second, it almost seems like he's jealous.

"That doesn't make it any better, Draco! Why do you feel so good about making others feel bad?"

Draco frowns. "Do I make you feel bad?"

I shake my head. "You may be an annoying git, but no, you don't make me feel bad," I tell him.

He smirks. "Would you like me to make you feel bad?" He whispers in my ear, his voice husky and seductive.

"N-No," I stammer, my cheeks heating up.

Draco readjusts himself as if he did nothing. "Goodbye Grey, I'll see you around." He walks out of sight, leaving me confused and dumbfounded.

Miss girl wyd ????!!!

Haha I'm so tired guys I'll def try to upload 1-2 more chapters today but for now I will be taking a long nap

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