Chapter Twenty Seven

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    I don't know why I'm scared to ask him to go to the ball with me. Cedric has shown interest in me before and I've been friends with him since I've first arrived to Hogwarts.

But Cedric is a handsome, tall champion. He's a seventh year Quidditch captain who's Head Boy. He has spectacular marks and is friendly at everyone. He must fancy someone, mustn't he?

I decide that after breakfast today I'll ambush him and ask him. My stomach flutters with nervous butterflies and I can hardly get a piece of toast down.

"Don't be nervous," Daphne consoles me. "I asked Zabini last night and he said yes! So obviously Cedric will say yes to you!" She exclaims.

I hadn't told a single person of my plans to ask Cedric to the ball, but somehow every fifth year in Slytherin assumed that I fancied Cedric.

Pansy sneers at me. "He won't go with a little fourth year. He is a seventh year, have you forgotten?"

I take a bite of toast. The Great Hall has been decorated for Christmas quite beautifully. There is a large Christmas tree in the center of the room. Tinsel and mistletoe decorate the room as well.

"What makes you think I'm asking Diggory anyway?" I respond once I've chewed and swallowed my toast.

"It's so obvious you fancy him, even I know that," Blair tells me. She snatches the pitcher of pumpkin juice out of Crabbe's hand and pours it into her own glass.

I turn around to Blair, shocked that my own friend would side with Daphne and Pansy. "And who are you taking to the Yule ball?" I ask her curiously.

Blair's cheeks turn pink. "Georweasle," She mutters quietly, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Er — what?"

"George Weasley," Blair says in surrender.

My mouth parts in an O. "George Weasley?" I exclaim excitedly. "You're going with someone who isn't in Slytherin?" I ask. Was I really so daft to believe I was the only Slytherin girl who was friends with students in other houses?

Blair shrugs. "We met last week in the library. He was trying to pull a prank on his brother, Percy, and we just sort of started talking," She admits.

My lips curl into a smile. "You and George Weasley!"

Blair rolls her eyes. "Shut up, Grey, and go find Diggory," She teases.

By now, the Great Hall has began to clear up and students are exiting. Cedric is speaking with Cho Chang and a Hufflepuff boy whom I don't recognize.

They all head off in opposite directions and I immediately approach Cedric. "Hey, Cedric —"

Cedric turns around quickly. "Amelia, you scared me! How have you been?" He asks me. I can't help but laugh at the irony — this boy has fought a dragon recently and he's asking me how I've been?

"I've been well. And yourself?" I ask him.

Cedric smiles widely at me. "Amazing. I just asked Cho to the Yule ball and she said yes," Cedric tells me. "I'm so happy. I mean- I've fancied her for ages but I never thought I had a chance. And now, look at me! I'm going to the ball with Cho Chang!" He rambles. His cheeks turn red from his moment of fluster.

My smile falters, but I conceal it well. "I'm so happy for you, Ced," I tell him as genuinely as I can.

The two of us walk out of the Great Hall together. "So, who are you going to go with?" He asks me curiously. "I'm sure you have all the boys begging you to attend with them right now."

"You think too highly of me. I still don't have a date, I probably will go alone —" I say sadly. My only option of a date has just been asked by Cho Chang.

"Nonsense! They probably are just too scared you'll say no, trust me —" He hesitates for a second. "If you don't want to go alone, I probably can find a friend who will gladly take you —"

I cut him off. "I'll find a date, don't worry about me," I assure him. The guilty expression on Cedric's face was indescribable.

I separate from Cedric and find myself in Divination with Draco, Daphne, Zabini, Crabbe and Goyle. Professor Trelawney is exceptionally fidgety and nervous today, probably because of the tournament.

"T-Today's lesson is going to be with tea leaves," She stammers, her voice light and airy.

Trelawney passes out teacups filled with tea in them to each of us. Draco makes a nasty comment about how it looks poisonous, but Trelawney ignores him.

"Now, with your tea leaves, you must think of somebody important to you. Depending on the shape that is in your tea, that is the prediction," She explains, taking a cup of tea for her own. She dips a tea leaf into the tea, spins it around, and shows us a shape. "Just like that."

I wonder who to think of — my parents aren't really that important to me. I have a lot of friends, but no one I'm extremely close with. I'd like to think that Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Cedric are my closest friends. Blair and Daphne are tolerable too.  Perhaps I'll think of Cedric.

"Mix your tea leaves!" Trelawney announces. "And I'll interpret them for you."

"Who are you going to think of, Draco?" Daphne asks, holding up her own teacup. "I'm going to think of my younger sister," She says. Daphne's younger sister, Astoria Greengrass, is a third year Slytherin.

Draco rolls his eyes. "Probably myself."

Turning back to my own teacup, I think of Cedric hard and mix my tea leaf into the tea. The picture that comes up is a dark, black cloud. I raise my hand like Trelawney has instructed and she comes over to me quickly.

"Let's see here — oh, wow. Who were you thinking of? This is a very serious message," She tells me, adjusting her glasses over her nose.

"Er — just a friend from back home," I lie.

Trelawney purses her lips and looks at me solemnly. "Amelia, the black cloud is a sign of death."

Hi!! This chapter is a bit brief (only about 1,025 words) but it's more of a filler chapter than anything.

So, we can't take Cedric, Zabini, or Draco to the ball :( How sad

I wrote this during my online lunch hah

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