Part 5

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Mina POV
After I spoke to everyone about it I was thinking I can have a little chat with Eijibabe I'm keeping him for myself and away from that slut I use to call my friend "Eijibabe." I said to him he turned and looked at me he act like I couldn't see the way he was close to Kaminari ugh that fucking slut I'm glad Sero is gonna get to him Eijiro came up to me not even hugging me right now "hey what is it..." he didn't even call my baby or none of that "oh I was wondering if you wanted to hang out." He looked at me and shook his head "I'm sorry Mina I can't ditch Denki like that." Ok so they're on first name basis "oh..that's fine then." I was trying so hard not to tear up he went back and sat next to denki I seen how they looked at each other and smiled so I texted Sero to have fun with Denki I knew sero had his eyes on Denki

Me:Hey I remember you having a crush on Kami I know what you can do...
Sero:Yea what's up?
Me:*sends video* use this video and you can have your little fun with him with a little bit of black mail
Sero:I like that sound of plan ok
After I texted I think he proceeded with the plan I look up again to see Eijiro and Kami going to the Elevator so I followed them by taking the stair case I seen them getting off the elevator in front of Kaminari's door "I would stay with you but if I don't complete my homework Bakubro is gonna kick my ass." I hear him say "I understand thanks for walking me back though." Kaminari says giggling then I see Eijiro going close to him "Anything for the love of my life I love you baby I'll FaceTime you later." He says giving him a passionate kiss I felt my heart shatter a little bit because this was all true him and Kaminari was together behind my back then I see bakugou and Midoriya walk by they was holding hands and talking to them so they I know who my targets are...
Denki POV
As Midoriya and Bakugou left I hugged Kiri one more time and gave him one more peck before closing the door,God I love him then I get a text from sero asking me if I want to study with him or not so I chose to study with Sero as I was going to his dorm I pass by Mina I felt her glaring at me for some reason I shrugged it off and knocked on Sero's dorm "Hey bro." I said and all sero can do is nod weird he usually be excited to see me I shrugged that off too so as I sat down and studied with him he was a bit mean but I didn't care until he asked me something "Kami...what's going on with you and Kirishima." As soon as he asked me that I froze "umm what are you talking about bro he's just my best friend." When I said that I felt a huge sting on my cheeks "Kami you don't have to lie explain this." He said pulling out his phone it was a video of me and Eijiro having sex how the... "Sero where did you get that?" He looked at me angrily "so it's true you being a slut and stealing Mina's man." I looked at him shocked because of what he says "I love Kiri and he loves me.. why are you mad at me because we love each other." He turns around and slowly approach me I was backing up to the wall panicking "umm sero what are you doing." He kept coming to me until I felt his hands on my throat tightening at that point I was struggling "s-sero let me go." I said struggling then he replaced it with his tape.
⚠️Rape warning⚠️
Sero started unzipping my pants and started trying to kiss me I kept dodging until he grabbed my chin and forced me to look at him "Sero stop man what's gotten into you." And when he unzipped my pants I felt his member in me he thrusted a couple of times until I shocked him until he fell unconscious ⚠️Rape warning Over⚠️ I ran zipped my pants and grabbed my phone then I ran to Eijiro dorm then I knocked he was asleep by now "Eiji! EIJI WAKE UP!" I said crying loudly I fell to my knees until I see the door open I was crying really loud and I see Eijiro opening his door "Baby what happened what's wrong." He asked panicking I couldn't speak so he picked me up bridal style and set me on his bed I kept crying and he was hugging me rubbing my back saying 'it's ok my love' or 'I'm here baby' then he used his thumb and index finger to have me looking at him I'm glad I was with Eijiro I don't think I can be without him anymore "baby tell me what's wrong." So I explained everything that happened with sero and he was pissed he laid me down and kissed my forehead and I went to sleep in his bed.
Eijiro POV
As soon as Denki told me what happened I wanted to kill sero and slowly watch him die so as soon as I laid denki down and let him sleep I kissed his forehead as he was sleeping on my bed and I left to go confront Sero I went to his room and *knock knock* Sero opened the door looking at me with a scowl I pushed him in the room "you better explain what did you do to Denki." He rolled his eyes "why do you care about that slut aren't you with Mina or should I show you this." He gives me his phone and it was the video of me and Denki having sex at this point I can care less now "so what I love Denki I'm with Denki as a matter of fact I'm breaking up with Mina tomorrow and if I see you anywhere near Denki I'm gonna hurt you." and with that I left then I went to Bakubro's room *knock knock* I hear a groan from the inside then he opened the door "what the fuck you want- what's wrong." He pulled me inside his room and I explained everything when I say he was pissed explosions was coming out of his hands he accidentally woke up Midobro "Kacchan?" He says sleepily while rubbing his eyes Bakubro don't want to bring Midobro in to this  Midobro was looking for him then Bakubro came back and cuddled in bed with him pulling Midoriya into his chest and rested his hand on his head while the other hand was on Midoriya's waist and Midoriya cuddled up next to Bakubro "so you're breaking up with her tomorrow how are we gonna find out who has the video and who's been sending it out." I told him the plan and so he nodded his head and I left I went back in the room to see Denki shaking with fear crying I felt bad for my baby why would sero hurt someone so beautiful with an damn good smile beautiful eyes the sweetest personalities and everything else I looked at Kiri he was on his back and I moved his hair out of his chest and kissed his forehead 'Denki my sweetheart my love my baby and most importantly my world I will never let anybody hurt you again...I love you my baby 'and I laid down by him and pulled him to my chest and with that he smiled into my touch and whispered "Eiji...." I was happy thinking to myself
Game on Mina and Sero

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