Token: K
Craig: its twerk
Craig: twerk*
Craig: twerk
Craig: Godamit
Token: wat
Craig: tweek*
Token: wtf
Craig: autocorrect
Token: lol' twerk bros coffee '
Craig: wtf man
Token: watching tweek twerking lol
Craig: stop just stop
Token: selling coffee dat twerkz
Craig: fuk u
Token: u rather fuck tweek lol
Craig: ...
Token: that isnt a no so let me tell tweek lol
Craig: ur not gona do that right?
Token: yes I will
Craig: stop playin
Token: yeah stop playing with urself abt tweek
Token: bro u mad...
Token: yes u is mad
Token: a twerking tweek
Token: r u masturbating
Craig: NO
Token: i no u doin it ill keep it a scrt that u jack urself off while u have a poster of tweek
Craig: i dnt hav a poster of tweek
Token: didnt say u would jack urself off 2 tweek
Token: u mad
Token: yes
Token: u is on ur periodnNo wait tweek is the gurl and his the bottom n ur top
Token: ur jaking urself off
Token: k ttyl wen u dont ansr me ;-;
Token: hav fun wit the sock
DiversosHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHA Read. Don't read if you hate cliche or cheesy romance. I only write happy<3