The murderer! (3)

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"What the hell, I know we should catch Nandan but not by costing our lives Arun!" exclaimed Srinivas who sat beside driver seat by clutching seat belt tightly with fear written on his face clearly. "Chill dude! Our suspect is chilling there, we should catch him and thrill him more right" I said with a wink. "Yeah right! That idiot is accelerating speed with a thrill thinking we are having an unannounced race with him and here you are chasing him just to give him real thrill of getting caught by us" Srinivas said with irritation. "Let the real chase begin" I said while switching the gear to achieve the maximum speed out of it with my leg on break and hand on steering wheel, I used all these in such a way that we overtook his vehicle then I take u-turn on the same path, in a lightening speed our vehicle came face to face with his vehicle. With tyres making screeching noise our vehicle came to halt with a jerk making Me and Srinivas swing to and fro in our seat meanwhile our seat belts rescued our heads from reaching the wind shield. All I can hear is our loud thumping heartbeats followed by a loud shrill cry from my so called so tough police friend whose eyes closed tightly with fear. I chuckled lightly for his state then looked around, only to get the view of Nandan sitting with wide eyes in his seat with a hand on his forehead where his car turned to slight left then stopped at 5 feet distance from our car.

"So tell me Mr.Nandan, why you suddenly disappeared from your mansion?" Srinivas asked with gritted teeth. "Tha... that i... i... You.. noth.. nothing sir" he said stuttering badly. "Come on Nandan, spill the beans, we don't have time to listen your useless stuttering" shouted Srinivas making Nandan flinch. Sigh! I guess he is pissed off with me and showing that on Nandan, poor soul. "Just answer my questions with straight and correct answers if not we police know how to get answers from people like you by using many methods such as third degree and many more" said Srinivas with his dangerously low voice, which is enough to scare normal people. "No sir, I don't know anything sir, trust me on this, I haven't done anything sir" said Nandan with his trembling voice. "Did I said you have done something nandan?" asked Srinivas by smirking. By that statement Nandan got shocked and almost immediately shook his head with denial and started saying with new found confidence "No sir, I was out from 3 days and this is the fourth day, suddenly police and detectives are Infront of me, that's why I got confused and scared. Police won't come without a reason and I don't know what I've done, I got nervous sir". Srinivas and I shared a knowing look with a little smile, now he is hiding something for sure, we can clearly see that from his behaviour. "Whose dead bodies are those?" I asked this time directly without beating around the bush. His face drained its colour, he is literally shivering.


"Hello Arun sir!"
           "Yes! Any news"
           "What! Are you sure about that?"
           "How can that be possible? We thought he has hand in it!"
"I guess someone is misleading us sir"
           "That's impossible, okay! Now it's getting more interesting, is there anything i need to know"
           "That's... that's shocking! Anything else!"
"That's it Arun sir, nothing more!"


"So he isn't the culprit, now you don't have any lead to proceed further, that's what you both are saying right?" Pointing me and Srinivas asked our both departments higher commanders who assigned us this case. "Why so? Do you guys want more officers in your team?" Came a confused question. "No, not needed sir, we can't move further because there is no eye witness plus fingerprints, scratches on the wall, footprints, hair samples which we gathered from those rooms, all of those are related to people who died long back and they have no families means those are related to orphan dead body things.

After knowing this information the conference room went dead silent with shock. Srinivas jaw dropped after hearing this. After a long pause officer Ram who has been a helping hand to me in this case spoke "I guess someone seriously misleading us sir!" And everyone nodded their heads agreeing with him.


// So guys, any guesses what's happening there. Who is misleading whom? What do you guys think about this situation? Btw who is on the call with detective Arun? What s/he told to Arun which left him in shock? //

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