The murderer! (6)

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"What are you saying sir" Ram managed to ask confidentally. I lost my cool by then and slapped him hard while shouting "Stop! Stop pretending like you know nothing. Officer Prakash, drag him to interrogation room immediately and handcuff him, if he is Infront of me for one more second, I don't know what I'll do in my temper". "What's happening here Arun! Why you arrested Ram?" asked Srinivas with a frown on his face. "Let Ram himself tell you. Now come, it's time for us to show Ram that who we are and what we can do" I said while fisting my hands.

"Are you going to open your mouth now?" I asked Ram. Again he gave me a blank look, enough of this now. I signalled officers there and they started taking charge of beating him with their lathis till blood oozing out from his body. Still he is not saying anything. "So Ram, your wife name is Arina, right? Let me call her once" said Srinivas, that's it. "What? No! Don't let her know this please, she is a good human being" I looked at him with a raised eyebrow. So his wife is his weakness, he loves her, interesting. "Ahaa... So you'll open your mouth only when your wife topic come up" I asked sarcastically. "Don't drag her into this, she is innocent" said Ram. "Ram, my patience is dying, so don't waste my time or energy. If you try to mislead the case or if you won't cooperate to us without giving answers or if you try to conceal the truth then mark my words Mr. Ram, it is already high time to take action. Like how a coin have two sides, I also have. I won't think twice to fake create proofs against you and your wife then kill you both in encounter. I don't encourage you guys to sit in jail, coming out on bail, proceeding through law... No nothing will be there. Just encounter. So decide wisely. I'm giving you 2 minutes. As you were also police officer, you very well known the rules and regulations here." I said to ram calmly by keeping my anger at bay. Now, I'm anything but calm. I signalled to everyone to leave this place to let him be alone for few seconds.

"What's this twist, I can't believe!" Exclaimed srinivas. "More is coming on our way, brace yourself Srinivas" I said

"So what you've decided Mr. Ram" I asked after the tiny break. "I did all this, I accept but I won, I won" he said with pure venom. "Tell us from the start" commanded Srinivas. "I came from a poor family. With hard work I became a police man but even after seeing my skills, higher officers never considered my promotion. Why will they consider it? They don't want talented ones but ones who can give handful amount of money or else they need recommendation from political leaders. From past two months, I didn't have a single penny in my hand. I got jealous by seeing officers like you. I envy everyone here. Whatever the case you take up, you'll win it and gets promoted. Then one day an idea striked me, what if I become a criminal and no one can't able to solve that crime which I committed. That will surely hit bulls eye, social and political pressure will become high day by day and during that time what if I myself solve the mystery. Then I'll surely gets promoted. I killed 10 orphan people as per my plan. If I kill orphans, no one will be at loss and also no one can come and give missing complaints. Then I choose Nandan mansion for publicity and to grab outside attention. As Nandan is a friend of one of the police officer, I used to get to see him and know him. I went to Nandan mansion few times for some passport verification kind of stuff. I observed that place keenly, I know the rules and regulations there, also I know which rooms are empty and all as well. I choosed weekend days so that most of the staff will be on leave. During night time carefully I sneaked into his mansion, first I bought those dead bodies with the help of goons, later I pour blood all over the place. I used some chemicals so that dead bodies won't get destroyed easily as well as flies won't come and also smell won't come from those bodies. Nandan only entered into first room, so he didn't got the chance to see dead bodies.

To just mislead you, I touched some places wantedly then to tamper them I stamped random orphan people's fingerprints over my fingerprints. As expected no one couldn't able to make a move. I called Arun from a private number carefully. Later I sent you a courier. I thought by using these two things as my weapons I should come into action by saying I find some clues and plan something which can make everyone believe I'm actually in the right route and finally put a check to this case saying I solved the crime case. Every damn thing went perfect but don't know how you got to know it's me" he said everything coolly and looked at me. Everyone are shocked even to move after listening his story. In everyone's eyes Ram is a perfect man, a perfect police officer but this is unbelievable from him.

"To be frank Ram, I always admired your hard work and wished for your success but never expected this from you. You deliberately left some proofs also tampered them but you forgot to tamper a proof at one place. A white big shell under a mop has your fingerprints and your own blood drops. Seriously, You thought we can't trace your call if you call me with private number. I guess I'm a detective for a reason. Funnily, how can you forgot that Infront of Police station there is CCTV which can land you in trouble. That clearly shows, no courier man came to deliver that, infact it shows how you brought that box from outside. Your so called so, someone is misleading you sir statement and you sticking to me or Srinivas all the time made me suspect you. I know most of the people who are not working for this case are also curious but the over curiosity you showed made me doubt you" I said with deadly calm voice and marched out. That room, the reason why this crime has happened, everything is suffocating me.

"Seriously, I can't digest this Arun and thank god, just before interrogation with Ram we saw CCTV footage and thanks to Mr. Raveen for informing you about Ram fingerprints" said Srinivas. "Hmm, now let's go to the post-mortem office. We should collect those 10 bodies reports" I said. "Srinivas sir, these are the ten people's post-mortem reports, sign here and collect them" said one of the officer to Srinivas. "Oh my gosh! Such brutality, I can't believe this" Srinivas said after reviewing reports. "You should accept and believe that brutality because that Ram is not a human but a cruel animal" I said. "Yes Arun true, you also go through these  reports once" he said. "No Srinivas, you've gone through them already, please fill me with the details. That's enough" I said. "Okay! Listen, he is clearly a psycho. Everyone's death happened in the same manner, You know how? let me say it. he stabbed everyone with knife, whatever places he can see there he just stabbed, at times he stabbed then without taking the knife out of their bodies he just rotated inside making their nerves cut. Around 10 to 15 stabs are there on each body. Whatever parts are those... face, nose, finger, legs he used fire to burn them. He even whipped them. Finally he used rope on their necks to take away their almost gave up breath" said Srinivas making by breath hitch.

"We submitted every proof to court, now they are thinking to keep him in under special observation, what do you think about that Arun" asked Srinivas.

"After by seeing the proofs, court understood late Mr. Ram was seriously suffering with mental illness. As officer Srinivas already said when they are bringing Ram to court to submit him here, he created chaos and tried to kill police officers. Srinivas has no other option than to encounter him. As the murderer already died, as the case is also solved, court is closing this case. The court is adjourned" came the judgement from judge. Me and Srinivas looked at each other with satisfaction.

"Ah srini, finally case is solved and closed man" I said. "Yes, this case really gave me headache" said Srinivas and after a pause he added "I even got shivers in my spine, i felt horrible dude".

I couldn't help but to go back to the first day of this case... Pool of blood in 3 rooms, walls and ceiling everything tinted with blood whereas in other two rooms ten dead bodies lying down fully covered and drenched with red colour, not to forget that horrible blood smell... And Gosh! All this terrible things happened just because of jealousy.
"Arun! Arun! Where are you lost?" Srini asked. "Nothing srini, I'm thinking that jealousy can not only kill relationships but also people. Isn't this astonishing?" I asked. "It's not only jealousy Arun, for jealousy envy also got added here" said srini. "Yes, that's true" I said agreeing to srini's point. "It's time for me to leave, hope to work with you so soon my dear Srinivas" I said making him chuckle. "Seriously you think we will have to work again soon?" "Haha who knows how many people are there out burning with jealousy and envy... " I said. "Shut up dude! Even I'm looking forward to work with you soon but for normal cases, I can't handle more of these psycho cases" Srinivas said with a laugh.
Sigh! This is how this case ended, I thought and resumed to my work.

✂️🌹 The End 🌹✂️

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2020 ⏰

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