Australia x New Zealand - ANZAC

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Author's POV
New Zealand sighed as he pressed his hand against his forehead stressed. Him and Australia have been fighting against Gallipoli in war for a while now, and it was really challenging to survive. Despite nearly being killed several times, New Zealand was still doing fine, he was still determined to fight, but he wasn't so sure about Australia. He notices his brother's behavior, it wasn't the same as it usually was. Australia was more sad then he usually was before the war and no matter how many times New Zealand asked what was wrong, Australia just pulled a smile and said nothing was bothering him. It really worried New Zealand a lot, but the worse thing was that he didn't know what to do about it. His depressing thoughts kept wandering around his head, torturing him every second.
"Umm... Mr New Zealand? Are you alright?" A voice soon called. New Zealand looked up to see his assistant, Marie, staring at him in concern from the other side of the table. He stared back tiredly.
"Yes Marie, I'm fine." New Zealand muttered, before another thought flew into his mind "Say, have you seen Australia anywhere?" Marie nodded.
"I believe he is in the gun room sir." She responded, pointing to the green door in the other side of the big tent. New Zealand soon got out of his chair and started walking to the door.
"Thanks Marie." He simply said on the way.
"No problem sir." Marie replied, before soon leaving the room herself. New Zealand soon made it to the door of the gun room. Without hesitation, he opened the door, only to see a sight that sent a trillion shivers through his body. Australia was standing there, holding a gun up to his head with his head lowered. New Zealand nearly choked on his own saliva as tears started to form in his eyes.
"A-Aussie?" New Zealand stuttered out. Australia looked up, startled to see his brother there. Before he could speak, New Zealand started talking again.
"What are you doing?" Australia was nearly lost for words as panic rose in his body.
"K-Kiwi, I- I can explain-!"
"What were you thinking?!" New Zealand blurted out. Australia couldn't speak, the tears were already starting to roll down his face. New Zealand almost immediately ran into the room and wrapped his arms around Australia, pushing him down with the impact of the hug. New Zealand immediately started sobbing in Australia's shoulder.
"What were you thinking?!" New Zealand yelled "Why would you do that to me?!" Australia was no better then New Zealand as his tears started soaking New Zealand's army shirt.
"I can't take it anymore! It's so hard to watch everyone get hurt or killed! It's so hard watching you get hurt!" Australia cried "I want to give up!" New Zealand lifted his head from Australia's shoulder to properly face his crying brother.
"And you think that killing yourself is the best way to do it?!" New Zealand yelled. Australia couldn't hold it all back anymore and just started sobbing more, soon becoming uncontrollable.
"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Australia kept yelling. Despite his sadness and fury, the guilt started to slowly wash over New Zealand like a massive wave. Before he knew it, the loud crying started forming into small sniffles.
"I l-love you Zea.. You were always so determined and m-motivated to keep on f-f-fighting in this c-chaos... I always looked up to you... I know you m-may not forgive me a-after this, and that's perfectly fine-" Australia was cut off by New Zealand giving him another hug.
"I love you too bro, and of course I'll forgive you and still love you after this. But you need to stay strong, ok? I can't do this war alone." Australia sighed but nodded. New Zealand soon stood up and reached his hand out to Australia, who was still on the floor.

"Now come on, we've got a war to deal with."

Hey guys, I hope you all enjoyed!

Word count: 676 words

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