Russia x America

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Requested by ishipmlpships

Author's POV
Russia sighed as he finished guzzling down the bottle of vodka he was drinking. Was this the fifth bottle he drank or the fourth? He couldn't remember, he was too drunk to even think. He was feeling really stressed these past few days, so he thought visiting the bar and having a drink would be good. But one drink led onto two and two drinks led onto three and so on, leading onto him being insanely drunk. The bell of the bar door soon chimed, signaling that someone had walked into the bar. But Russia, in his drunken state, couldn't even be bothered to look to see who it was. Heck! He didn't even flinch when he heard someone sitting in the seat next to him. He just kept his gaze in front of him, not having any interest in anything else.
"Oh Russia! You're here too?" The voice said next to him. Russia glanced to his side only to see a person he wasn't expecting to see. It was America. Russia was shocked, but he didn't show it. He always wanted to show other countries that he was a strong, tough country and he was still gonna do it, even in his drunken state. He kept a straight face as he gazed back in front of him.
"Why are you here America?" Russia asked. America turned his gaze to the same direction as Russia's eyes.
"Hehe... Well.. I thought coming here and having a drink would be good.. hehe..." America awkwardly responded. Even if he was drunk, Russia could tell that there was something wrong. But he couldn't be bothered to ask, instead just ordering a small glass of Vodka. America ordered a drink as well. Once their drinks came, they began drinking. A few drinks later, America was just like Russia, drunk out of his mind. Russia was ready to walk home as he was just about to pass out. He was just about to get up, until hearing America speak again.
"Hehe.. You know whyyyy I actually caaame hereee?" America drunkenly asked. Russia didn't answer, instead just turning his gaze to the drunk boy on the other seat.
"Some wiiillllldddd things have been happening in my country lately.. And now everybody hates me..." America said, starting to tear up "They all think I'm a failure..." America started crying at that point. Russia knew that he didn't like America that much, but he felt bad. He felt bad that America had to go through this much. With his bit of consciousness left, he stood up and lifted up America. He placed America over his back and started slowly walking to the door as to not fall over. America, drunk as he was, just held onto Russia tightly as they walked out of the bar. Russia slowly walked down the street. He didn't live too far from the bar, so it wasn't too much of a walk. When he finally reached his house, he unlocked the door and walked upstairs to his bedroom. He gently placed the now sleeping America on his bed under the covers. Since he was too exhausted to do anything else, Russia collapsed right next to America, slowly drifting off into a deep slumber.

*The next morning*

America's eyes slowly fluttered open as he gazed around the room. He didn't recognise this room. Where was he? He slowly sat up, only to grip his head gently due to his massive headache. A small creak was soon heard. America gazed up to where it came from, only to see Russia at the door with a tray of food in his hands. Russia walked over to the bed and sat down, placing the tray of food on America's lap.
"Morning Ame." Russia said smiling, before soon scratching the back of his head "I hope you don't mind the food I made you. I'm not really a great cook.." America picked up a piece of the food with his fork and placed it in his mouth, soon happily munching it. Russia chuckled seeing America happily munching at the food he made for him.
"You enjoying it?" Russia asked. America nodded happily, picking up another piece of food. It wasn't long before he finished the entire plate. Russia put the plate to the side, soon gazing back to America. America was the one to start talking.
"Where am I? Did you kidnap me or something?" America asked puzzled. Even as simple of a question as that, Russia knew he had to explain a bit. He braced himself for the conversation that was about to go down.
"Well, for a starters, you're in my house. I brought you here because you started drinking last night at the bar." Russia explained. America soon looked a bit embarrassed.
"I didn't do anything stupid, did I?" America asked. Russia still remembered what America said last night while he was intoxicated, and he wasn't sure how he was going to explain this to America without hurting him. Russia soon sighed.
"Well, you didn't do anything stupid." Russia said, causing America to sigh in relief "But you did tell me something last night.." America looked at him even more confused.
"Oh? What did I say?" America asked. Russia sighed again, preparing himself to explain.
"Well, you... you told me how things were happening in your country... and that people think you're a failure..." America soon looked shocked before looking down into his lap in shame. Russia looked at him sadly.
"America... is this true?" Russia asked. America was hesitant, before finally giving his answer.
"Yes... it is true..." America admitted "Look, just forget I said anything, ok-?" America was shocked by Russia suddenly hugging him. At that moment, he didn't even know what to do, but just listen to Russia when he spoke.
"America, I'm sorry you had to go through anything bad. If you need any help with anything, come to me. Ok?" America was speechless. He couldn't believe his ears. Someone finally cared, someone finally cared about his problems! Without anymore hesitation, America hugged back smiling.

"Thank you, Russia."
"You're welcome, Ame."

Hey guys, I hope you all enjoyed!

Word count: 1024 words

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