Indonesia x Australia

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Requested by ishipmlpships (thanks for the requests girl! ❤️)

Author's POV
"Aussie?" Philippines asked, staring at the miserable Australian on the bed "What are you crying about?"
"I..., uh-"
"You're thinking about him again, aren't you?" Australia sighed, nodding slowly after. Philippines sighed as he walked over to Australia, sitting down next to him on his bed.
"Listen, Aussie, you know you can't be pondering over him forever." Philippines stated. He knew Australia liked Indonesia. If it wasn't for Malaysia, Australia and Indonesia would have probably been happy together by now. Australia sighed at Philippines' words.
"I know I shouldn't..." Australia muttered, tearing up soon after "But why did he have to go for him?" Australia started crying once again, not even caring that Philippines was still right next to him. Philippines sighed as he hugged Australia from his left.
"There, there, you're alright." Philippines cooed in his ear "Just let it out." Australia's crying continued for a while, soon turning into small hiccups and whimpers, then nothing at all. Philippines soon let go of Australia and looked at him in his eyes.
"Feel better now?" He asked. Australia nodded and smiled at Philippines, causing Philippines to smile back. They stayed silent for a while, until Philippines soon remembered something.
"Oh yeah! I almost forgot!" Philippines exclaimed, before pulling out a bright, pink envelope from his pocket. He handed it to Australia, who carefully opened it.
"This is an invitation to Japan's sleepover tomorrow." Philippines explained as Australia read the letter "She would've given it to you herself, but she was too busy with the planning of it." Philippines stood up and headed to the bedroom door.
"Well, I've got to go now." Philippines stated, turning his head to face Australia, waving goodbye "Bye Aussie!" Australia smiled.
"Bye Phil." Australia said, waving as well. In a matter of seconds, Philippines was gone. Australia sighed as he turned to face a picture on his bedside table. It was a picture of Indonesia and him back in the 19th century. He sighed as he laid down on his bed, heading to sleep. Maybe this sleepover party wouldn't be too bad...

*The next day*

Australia slowly approached Japan's house. It was currently 6:25PM, and the sleepover started at 6:30PM. Australia walked up the stairs and knocked on the door. In a matter of seconds, the door opened rather fast by the excited Japan.
"Konichiwa Aussie-San!" Japan exclaimed, before grasping Australia's hand tightly and pulling him inside "Come inside! Everyones' waiting!" Once Japan let go of his hand, Australia gazed around, gazing at everyone in sight. It was all good, until Australia saw someone he really wasn't expecting to see. Indonesia... Talking to Malaysia... Australia was shocked but not surprised.
'Of course he's talking to him...' Australia thought miserably 'Why wouldn't he be?'
"Hey Aussie-San! You coming to play truth or dare?" Japan shouted excitedly, cutting Australia out of his thoughts. Australia looked to see everyone sitting in a circle, everyone looking at him. Australia immediately composed himself.
"Y-Yeah, sure..." Australia responded, walking over to the circle and sitting down. Japan smiled excitedly.
"Alright! Let's get started!" Japan exclaimed "I'll go first!" Japan gazed around the circle, before pointing straight at Indonesia.
"Indo-San!" Japan exclaimed, a smug grin growing on her face "I dare you to kiss Malaysia-San!" Indonesia was quite surprised, but what was he expecting? This is Japan we're talking about here. He really shouldn't have expected much. Indonesia soon gave into Japan's wishes as he turned to Malaysia and gently grabbed his chin. He pressed his lips against Malaysia's. That's when it struck Australia. A sharp pain striking through his heart. Tears threatening to fall from his eyes as he watched the dare happen. It soon became too much for Australia, as he stood up and ran upstairs to the balcony. The others called out to him, trying to stop him, but he didn't care, he just kept running. Australia soon made it to the balcony. He fell to the ground and started sobbing all his sorrows out. It wasn't long before someone sat right next to him and put their hand on his shoulder.
"Aussie! What's wrong?!" The country yelled. Australia whirled his head to face the country as he recognized the voice. He started moving away from the country, who only crawled towards him and hugged him tightly.
"L-Let go of me I-Indo!" Australia begged loudly. Indonesia only hugged him tighter, giving Australia a serious look.
"Not unless you tell me what's wrong." Indonesia stated serious. Australia sat there, shivering in fear. How was Indonesia going to feel about his feelings for him? Was their friendship going to end because of his next words?
"It- It's you! It's you Indo! I love you! But I know you d-d-don't! Because I know you love Malaysia m-more then me! and-"
"Woah, woah, woah. Who told you I love Malaysia?" Indonesia asked, cutting off Australia. Australia stared at him confused and shocked.
"J-Japan said y-you two were d-dating.." Australia stuttered. Indonesia sighed.
"Australia." Indonesia said boldly "Do you really believe what Japan says?" Australia was even more shocked.
"Japan has been 'shipping' me and Malaysia together and she keeps going around saying that we're dating, when we're really not." Indonesia explained. Australia couldn't believe his ears.
"S-So, you're not dating Malaysia?"
"No, of course not silly!" Indonesia exclaimed "But I do have my eyes set on someone." Australia was yet again to be shocked and upset.
"W-Who?" Australia asked. Indonesia smiled as he grabbed Australia's chin gently, bringing Australia's face closer to his.
"You my little angel~" Indonesia cooed, placing his lips against Australia's. Australia's mind immediately went into a shocked daze. Was this really happening? Was the actual Indonesia really kissing him? Before even having another thought, he gave into the kiss, wanting to make it last. They stayed in that position for a while before eventually parting, staring lovingly into each other's eyes. Australia had tears streaming down his face with a big smile plastered on as well, causing Indonesia to chuckle.
"Oh Aussie! Why are you crying?" Indonesia asked, whilst chuckling.
"I'm just really happy that you're with me now Indo~" Australia responded. Indonesia smiled.
"Well I'm glad to hear it." Indonesia said, smiling more then before "Do you want to go inside now?" Australia nodded. Indonesia stood up and held out his hand to Australia, who gladly took it. They both walked inside and went down the stairs, holding each other's hands as they walked. When they both arrived back, everyone stared shocked at them and their intertwined hands. Even with everyone's stares, the two didn't care. They were just happy to be with each other, finally in each other's embrace. For the rest of the night, they were always together, nothing separating them. It soon came time for everyone to go to sleep. Everyone went to their sleeping bags, prepared for a good night's rest. Australia was near to being in his sleeping bag, before hearing a soft voice call for him.
"Aussie! Aussie!" Australia turned his head around to see Indonesia.
"Come sleep in my sleeping bag! There's plenty of room!" Australia blushed, but obliged, slowly crawling over to Indonesia to not disturb the others. He crawled inside the sleeping bag and curled up next to Indonesia. He was feeling really weird, and Indonesia could see that.
"What's wrong my Aussie darling?" Indonesia whispered.
"Oh, it's nothing, it's just that I never thought this day would come where I'm finally cuddling up next to you. So, it's kind of hard to get to sleep.."
"Would you like some kisses to help you sleep?" Indonesia asked. Australia nodded into his chest. Indonesia smiled as he leaned into Australia's neck, planting sweet kisses along Australia's neck and shoulders. Australia sighed happily as he slowly drifted off to sleep. Indonesia softly chuckled as he soon heard Australia's soft snores. He lifted his head from Australia's neck and held the sleeping boy close, drifting off to sleep as well. Before he was fully asleep, he whispered his final words to Australia.
"Good night my angel~"

Hey guys, I hope you all enjoyed!

Word count: 1373 words

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