Finland x Australia

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Requested by Forks_LeftTheChat

February, 1942

He trotted through the rubble and dust, a beautiful bouquet of delicate white roses clutched in his hands. The Finnish man's eyes gazed around the area of Darwin, seeing if he could find the person he was looking for. A bombing disaster had struck this town just a few days earlier, so he heard. The Japanese had let loose with bombs, mayhem ensuing with each explosion. As a result, many were sent away to better forms of safety. Those who stayed, helped in the clean up. One of those people being the person he was looking for.


He had grown quite interested in the Australian man. Earful after earful he got in information from his brothers had only made him more intrigued, despite never having met the Australian in person. And with this unfortunate disaster at hand, he found it incredibly convenient for his situation.

Unfortunate, but fortunate, as he would like to call it.

Broken shards of beer bottle glass were scattered across the ground as he walked through, and with the big rubble of what appeared to be a building of some sorts right next to him, Finland could only be left to his assumptions.
'This must've been a bar,' He thought to himself, seeing as most of the shards of glass were around that area. He watched as many helped in the clean up of the place, before a certain individual caught his eye.

They weren't like any of the other humans around, judging by their blue skin and hair. They were making demands left and right, seemingly focusing hard in getting the fallen down structure of the bar demolished.

The Finnish man's eyes lit up as he eagerly sped walked over, keeping the roses up high so they didn't get a speck of filth on them. He's found him, he was sure of it. The Australian, however, wasn't aware of the Finnish's presence, his mind stressed to the brim due to the destruction around him.

He now stood behind him, the working man he longed so much to talk to. Taking a deep, nervous sigh, he held the roses tight in his hands, hiding them behind his back, before tapping the Aussie on the shoulder. The man whirred around, deep blue irises staring at the nervous Finnish man.

Finland nervously gulped, "Excuse me..., But are you Australia?". The Finnish man studied his facial features. Tired, tense eyes, heavy, dark bags under them, he must've been exhausted.
"Yes, I am," he responded back. God, he even sounded exhausted. Of course, Finland worried for him, but at that moment, he could only find it in himself to smile in happy relief.
"Oh, thank goodness," He exclaimed, a slight giggle escaping his lips, "I've been meaning to talk to you," Finland was a slightly awkward individual, and he knew it, but he was determined to not make this awkward for the both of them.

Australia sighed tiredly as he began to pick up some more of the rubble from the ground, dumping the armful in a nearly completely full wheelbarrow next to him.
"Sorry mate, but I really can't talk at the moment," Australia replied, before going back to picking up more of the crumbled building.

It sort of took Finland back a bit.
'Well, that part could've gone better,' he thought to himself.
Naturally, he would've accepted it and left the person be, but the flowers behind his back were simply waiting to be given to the Aussie already, and in these sort of conditions, he knew they wouldn't last extremely long.
"..Actually, is it ok if we talk now..?" He asked to the Australian, who was still hard at work, "I promise it'll be quick," The Australian sighed as he turned around again, an irritated spark flashed in his eye.
"Mate, I'm currently cleaning up the ruins of a town of mine that has just been blown to smithereens!" He cried out loudly, agitation laced his voice, "What could possibly be so important that you need to talk to me right now about it?" The Finnish shook nervously, his mind simply taken aback by shock and surprise. Shakily, he pulled out the bouquet from behind his back.
"I just wanted to give you these," he anxiously responded, a nervous grin forming on his face.

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