Chapter 4

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It had been 1 month since Nezu and Aizawa had gone to the asylum and they both decided on a (slightly insane) course of action. 

"You want to WHAT?!"

The head nurse screeched incredulously "Taking him out of his room is already risky, removing him from the hospital is asking for a death wish! You have already seen what happened when he lashes out!" Nezu sighed and tried to reason with the nurse, "Taking the patient to a place with more people may help him open up more, and even though we got a little bit of info now we have a whole new slew of questions." The nurse sighed "Alright what do you want to know?"

Aizawa asked, "Well first of all what his basic info? Name, age?" The nurse walked over to a cabinet and pulled out a file "All of the known info we have about him is here...the odd thing is all of the holes in his childhood, he refuses to talk about his like after he turned 4 and wont talk about what happened to him with the LOV." Aizawa and Nezu both looked at each other with concern, and the nurse walked over to her desk opened a drawer. Hesitantly she glanced at the hero "Are you sure you want to do this?" Aizawa nodded, she pulled a small case the size of a book out of the drawer and handed it to Eraser who set it on the desk and opened it. Inside was a small syringe and 3 vials of a clear liquid called 'Coratine' . 

"If he ever gets...out of control fill up the syringe halfway and inject it in his neck its a mild sedative and will calm him down" The nurse smiled and snapped the case shut "Thank you for doing this he deserves better."

Before they went to Deku's room they went over his file and they were 


to say the least

meh guys


and non-binary pals

i bid you adeiu


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