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Hyuga x OC



Hyuga laid down in the dojo floor mind wandering elsewhere. His eyes began to close as he enters his nap time. Unfortunately for him, it was cut short with Ungyo bursting in the room. "What again?" He asked.

"Nameless city...trouble...Takeshi needs help," the man said while struggling to breathe after the run. Hyuga immediately sits up from his place and slip on his jacket, walking heading towards the car.

As usual, Hyuga sat in the hood of the car, slouching. As soon as they arrived, Pi greeted them. "Took you long enough."

Hyuga rolled his eyes before asking Pi about Takeshi. The boy led him to where one member of the Rudeboys, Yu, was being tied up. "What's this all about?" Hyuga asked.

"Someone decided to attack Nameless city. Again!" Yu frantically yells from his tied place. Hyuga only looked at him dead in the eyes wondering why was he called. His face transformed to show confusion.

"This is what the attacker wears," Takeshi pull out a piece of torn red fabric with some letters inscribed, "familiar now?"

"Daruma" Kato answered. Hyuga lifted his hands to silence the man. "Oi Takeshi, none of our members have slipped out of our land since this morning. So how can our jacket be here?" Hyuga slurred.

Kato stepped forward and snatched the fabric from the opposites hand. He carefully examines the writing inscribed on the jacket, "黒宮協会 (Kuromiya Kyōkai)"
"Kuromiya? What in the hell is that?!" Yu yells again. Takeshi ordered him to shut up while Pi and some others are untying him. Hyuga looked to the jacket thoughtfully like he had seen it somewhere.

"Hyuga-san!"  A girly voice called out. Hyuga turns his face towards the voice. His face smiling at the sight of a teenage girl. 

"Mika-chan, what are you doing here? You know it's dangerous right?"  His voice laced with worry. The girl only smiled at his response. 

"Daijōbudayo,"  she answered, "anyways I heard about what happened, are you all right?"

"Not all right!" Hyuga answered he paused for a while before continuing, "I wanna punch their faces out." 

"Well I think you can, but remember to be careful and think twice. You're pretty reckless, Hyuga-san." 

"Hey, don't tell the older ones what to do!" Hyuga said playfully. Mika giggled at the statement while shaking her head. She looked him in the eyes and smiled. The feeling of warmth spread through his body as he looked at her with adoration.

"Umh, how can I not remind you! You may be 5 years older but I'm a little more thoughtful than you are!"  The two friends continue to laugh as they joke around some more. But without realizing, this was their last time laughing together. 

Not long after that, Hyuga formed Daruma Ikka. The group was soon to be known as violent. The time spent between Mika and Hyuga became less and lesser. And soon the news of Hyuga sent into prison was spread to her via Sankyo. 

During Hyuga's first year in prison, Mika visits him for the first and last time. "I told you so, Hyuga-san." 

He only groans in response. But deep in heart, Hyuga feels guilt boiling and threatening to come out. He didn't dare to look Mika in the eyes, the feeling was unbareble to see her sad face "I warned you and you didn't listen!" 

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