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Hanaoka Fujio x OC




Maybe I didn't know this would happen. Hajimemashite,  Hanada Sanaa desu. I'm an 11th grader and I am pregnant. Yes, pregnant with Hanaoka Fujio's baby. And because of that, I am kicked out of school and house. 

While wandering the streets withs 3-month-old stomach, I came across Cobra who agreed to take me in until I am stable enough to get rent. And for his generosity, I agreed to help Naomi and work in Itokan.

"So how's the baby Sanaa-chan?" Noboru asked me. I looked up from wiping the counter and smiled at him. 

"It's growing, I guess. I'm 8 months old now. My doctor said I'm supposed to know its gender 3 months ago but I want to be able to know this cuties gender by my next check-up which is in like 1 week." I replied. 

"How about the dad?" Tettsu asked me calmly. I looked down in remembrance. I hadn't told him. 

"I haven't told him."

"You haven't?" 

"He's as old as me and he's probably still in school, and I don't want to be a burden."

"How did you meet him anyway?" Dan asked me. I racked my brain trying to remember where had I meet him. 

"Somewhere. Countryside I think? My family was fishing when we met his grandfather, I think? Then we did some dumb stuff and even dumber stuff and now I'm like this." I explained shortly. 

"Sanaa-chan, your shift is done. Get some rest." Naomi reminded me. I set down the cloth and took off the apron before taking a seat across Naomi herself. "Your stomach is getting bigger Sanaa-chan, I'm gonna have to reduce your shift."

"No, it's okay Naomi-san. I still can do it." I said. Just then the door opened, Yamato and Cobra stepped in. 

"Cobra, can you please tell Sanaa that she needs more rest." 

"Sanaa, listen to her will you?" 

"But aniki, what about for.. you know a lot of stuff for the baby?"  I asked him. 

"We'll help," Yamato interjected. He took a seat next to me and Naomi gave him his food.  

After a few more chats between all of us, I decided to stand up and excuse myself. The excuse? I wanted to go and do some errands around. 

After doing errands, I wander the streets of S.W.O.R.D specifically the Oya area. The sky was turning orange by the second and I was still wandering the streets. 

As I neared grandma Sada's market, a man dash to beside me and tried to pull my purse. Keyword TRIED. Luckily someone else was there to stop the man from doing further harm to me. But my saviour wasn't someone I expected it to be. Hanaoka Fujio came to save me. 

"Here you go...ma-"

"Thank you," I said. Fujio was looking strangely at my stomach. 

"Have I met you somewhere?" 

"No." I straight out lied. My face trying the best to not betray my words. He looks at me strangely before nodding his head. 

"So where are you going?"

"Grandma Sada's."

"Oh, same! But why are you going there?"

"Yuki-san promised to make me some dinner. So I'm here to eat it up before going back to meet up with Aniki." I explained. Fujio suddenly grabbed me by the hands and drag me to the market. 

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