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Smoky x Rocky 



Smoky looked out the window of Rocky's apartment. He was suddenly picked up that day. This was not his first time in the apartment but he feared that this will his last. With his condition worsening by the day, his affair with Rocky might be ending sooner than he thought. 

"Thinking again?" Rocky suddenly asked. Smoky jumped a bit at the sudden voice before returning to see the view of SWORD area. 


"You know you shouldn't have overthought everything? It's not good for your health."

"I know, but Nameless City is my home and family. With Kuryuu planning to demolish it, I worry about them."

Rocky wrapped his arms around the shorter man's shoulder, pulling him closer. He whispered something in Smoky's ear before resting his chin in one of Smoky's shoulder. "I wish this view will last forever," Smoky said. 

"Maybe if you survive you will."

"Is that an insult, Rocky?"

"Nope, but a warning to keep you alive."

Smoky only groan in response. Just then he had another cough attack, Rocky loosen his grip from Smoky's shoulder and proceed to take him some water.  "Here, drink this."

Smoky received the glass and small sips from the glass. Rocky knew his condition was worsening and yet Smoky refuse any kind of treatment from both Rudeboys and him.  And with Kuryuu threatening to destroy SWORD, Smoky won't back down from any fights to save his family. 

"You should get some rest." Rocky advice. Smoky shook his head in response. Rocky holds both of his shoulders and looked at the shorter man straight in the eyes. "Your health is in critical condition, please listen." 

Smoky ignore the older man's pleas for him. He ignored it and went straight to seat at one of Rocky's sofa. And of course Rocky followed him. "Smoky?"

"I'm going first, Rocky" With that Smoky stood up and left Rocky's apartment. Rocky let out a heavy sigh. He wanted so much to chase after him but I decided that it would be best to give him some space. 

The two didn't meet again until a week later. Rocky had sent Koo to pick up Smoky in private, and not seen of course. So technically it's kidnapping. 

"The hell Rocky." Smoky greeted in his calm voice as he entered Heaven. Rocky smirked from the top sofa which he usually sat down. 

The said man only motioned Smoky to come up to him. Smoky reluctantly goes up to the man. "What?"

"Sit down will you?" Smoky do as the man told him. He slouched on the couch and look up at Rocky with daggering eyes. 

"Calm down, Smoky." 

"Then what do you call me here for?"

"To spend time with you" Rocky replied. He looks back and motion for everyone to go home. Koo was reluctant but left after Kizzy drag his arms. 

With everyone gone, Rocky slide over to Smoky a little. His head resting in one of the shoulder and his hands hugging Smoky's waist. The two of them staying at the position for a little while before Rocky stood up and took a drink. 

"Day drinking again?"

"Better to drink in the morning than later at night." Smoky chuckled at his response. This time he rests his head at Rocky's shoulder. His body was tired despite all the sleep he had. "You tired?"

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