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Shibaman x OC

*Danger* Pt.2 


His face showed pure shock. His first love was there at Oya all this time. "Amaya?" 

The girl stood there frozen. Her mouth was unable to make a sound. "Why didn't you tell me?" He asked her standing up straight and holding her hands. 

"It's none of your business." She said, looking away from him. He lifts her chin so that she was facing his face.   

"It is my business alright. I made a promise Amaya and I'm not breaking promises I'm giving to you." 

"I wasn't ready, Shiba. People know me as Samara the silencer." 

"Keeping an image, huh? Break one for me, eh?" Shiba joked. He was greeted with a smile from the girl and both of them laugh. 

"What if I don't want?" She joked back with a smirk. Shiba kabedon her once more and lean his face down to her ears. 

"Watch it, Amaya. Don't talk back to me like that, I might as well tie you to a bedpost tonight." She can tell that Shiba was smirking as he was saying this. The word he said made her shiver. She replied with a hmph and smirked back. 

"Well see." She talked back. Provoking him on purpose has officially been her favourite past-time now. 

"I want you in my place tonight. And don't worry, I don't live with my sister no more." He ordered. 

As the night passes on, Samara arrived at Shiba's place. She sat in one of his kitchen stools and waited for him to finish whatever he is doing in the shower. She stared at the wall across her while drinking from a cup of water. Then, she felt a pair of strong arms wrapped up in her shoulders and an embrace from the back envelopes her. "Shiba?"

"Who else?" She can feel him sending off a smirk. She liked the position they were in. She wanted it to always be that way. "I think you forgot what I said this noon did you?"

"Which one?" 

"You'll see." Samara froze in shock and he took that as an opportunity to carry her inside his bedroom. Once inside, Samara was laid down gently onto the bed. The boy who carried her went around and got himself some soft rope to tie to it. He securely tied her up and the fun began for the two. 

The ray of sun hit her face. The brightness entered her eyes. She slowly turns around to feel an empty spot beside her. She hopped off the bed and picked up her articles of clothing before putting them on. She stepped out from the room and was greeted by a shirtless Shiba. "Ohayou."

"Ohayou." She replied taking a seat in of the stools. Shiba took the seat next to her and she leaned on to him. 

"Was it your first-time last night?" He asked her calmly. She nodded slowly feeling the heat go up to her cheeks. "I'm glad I'm your first."

The two got ready for school. Shiba threw one of his jackets to her. She gave him a confused look but reluctantly put it on above her grey one. "Good, now I want everyone to know you're mine."

At school, the part-time students were surprised to hear of redrum hitting the school again. Drugs are totally off-limits in SWORD area and Kuryuu's factory was destroyed. So who is spreading all of this? They decided to announce to all the factions about the on-going drug spread. 

They were greeted by bickering in the hall. "We're here to decide who gets to be top-dog in the full-timer, eh?"

The said only walked in casually with Furuya, Seki and Samara behind him. "Dame." He answered. 

Murayama started to say something about Todoroki's injured eyes to which he was greeted with a shock, the loud response from the Yasukiyo faction. Samara rolled her eyes under her hood, "Urusai." She shouted from her spot. 

"Ne sankyu, Samara-chan." Murayama thanked. He resumed his explanation about the prohibition of red rum. Jamuo then proceeds to explain about Housen. Housen is apparently the killer school not far from there. 

The left the stage and proceeds to exit through the door. As Todoroki walked beside Murayama, Samara decided to walk between Tsuji and Shibaman. Shiba smirked as he sees his jacket being worn by her. 

(Time skip to after the fight with Housen) 

After finding the truth, Murayama immediately called the part-timers to stopped the conflict between Housen and Oya. After confronting the two schools, the part-timers decided to leave. Meanwhile, Samara asked to be left behind. 

Jamuo and the boys started discussing some matters before taking a notice in Samara who was standing near the lake. "Ne Samara-chan, what are you doing here?"

"Me? Oh, I'm just making sure another fight doesn't break out because of your stupidness." The boys laughed at her answer. Shiba stood up and walked to her. The others looked at the two in confusion. The two turned their back against them and Shiba rests his arms in her shoulder. 

"Are they dating?" Fujio asked Todoroki. The said boy only stared at his follower in confusion.  

"You know people are looking right?" Samara asked Shiba. He gave her a smirk.

"I know. And I would like for people to know." He said. She smiled at him and did something no one would've to imagine. She opened her hood to show her black ponytail and her blue streak. "What are you doing?"

"No more hiding, Shiba." She turned around and faced the boys. They all looked at her in shock. 

"Amaya?!" Some of the boys who were her neighbours said. She looked at Nakagoshi's expression which clearly didn't show shock as he knew earlier. 


"When?! Shibaman, when did you two?" Tsuji asked from his spot. She smiled at his response and flicked her hair. She looked up to Shiba. 

"Not long ago. When you all are starting to fight each other off."

"I have so many questions," Fujio said with wide eyes. His mind still not processing the information. 

"Well save it. It's getting late. You all better go home. Me and Shiba will see you tomorrow. Jya na." With that, the two left the field with arms around each others waist. 

The next morning, Shiba left earlier than usual. Saying that he got something to do. And as soon as she arrived at Oya, Murayama dragged her to where the trucks were stationed and say that the full-timers were in danger. 

Upon arriving at hope hill, chaos has already started. With Murayama voice in the air, they charged with ferocity. Helping one another in the process. The fight was hard to say. Mostly because her opponents were high on drugs. One punch, two punch, was sent by her. After all of the effort, shouts of victory were heard across hope hill. 

With everyone dispersing and the police arriving at the scene, Samara looked out for Shiba. She didn't see his tall figure anywhere. "Amaya?" A voice suddenly called out, startling her. 

She turned around and saw who she was looking for. The tall figure scooped her up in a moment of surprise. "daijyōbu?" 

"Daijyōbu." She answered. The two let go of one another and walked along the street of SWORD. 

"What is it going to be now?" She asked softly looking at the sky above them. Her hand slowly interwinding with his. 

"I don't know. But all I know is that I'm going to be here beside you."

"Are official now?"

"Yeah. Yes, we are. Besides, I don't know what you'll do if you didn't found me again."

"Well, I'll probably still be Samara. But, I wanna retire. I think it's time for me to live a normal life. Even though there is nothing normal here. But why do you ask?"

"Well for one I don't know you'll be retiring, maybe it's because you are the definition of Danger." 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2020 ⏰

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