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Shibaman x OC 

*Danger* Pt. 1 


Danger always follows her. Her aura screams danger. Yet no one knows her face. Hidden behind the hood she uses. She might be anyone in the SWORD area, but all knew her for being Samara.

She rides with the shadows. She blends and moves with them. She comes and goes as she, please. But no one knew her real identity.  

Murayama walked down the path to Itokan dinner. He stumbled upon a familiar jacket and hood. He turned the body over and saw the face of a girl. Then something catches his eyes, the red liquid pouring from her lower stomach. He frantically picks her up and without thinking sprint to Itokan. 

"Naomi-san!" Naomi looked to the direction of the voice and dash towards him. 

"What happened?"

"I don't know. I found the girl lying unconscious and brought her here." Naomi flipped the dinner sign closed and motion Murayama to lay her on the table. 

The woman opened the mysterious girl's shirt gently. The wound was caused by a slash in the lower abdomen. Naomi stitch her up gently and moved her to the backroom of Itokan. But as Dan was moving her, she suddenly woke up gasping for air, "Shi...shi." Her eyes closed again as she tried to form words. 

The girl woke up in a sweating frenzy. She held her stomach gently and noticed the white bandaged wrapped in her stomach. She stood up slowly and head out the door with her jacket in hand. 

"Awake already?" A woman's voice called out. The girl looked over to her gith and saw some people looking at her. "You should rest more. The wound is not healed yet."

"Sorry, but I have to go."

"Hey wait, what's your name?"

"Samara. Call me Samara." With that, she left the dinner. Murayama thought of where he had heard that name. And when he realized it, everyone in the room broke out saying 'ha' in a chorus. 

Samara entered her house without a word. Her parents greeted her by sitting down on the sofa in the living. "Amaya, we need to talk." Her mother announced.

"So we've been thinking. You see both of us wants you to attend a school."

"Don't tell me it's the girl school?" 

"No, no it's not. We're thinking of enrolling you at Oya as a part-time student."

"Oh, thank god it's Oya. SO?..."

"So what your mom is trying to say is that starting tomorrow you'll be attending Oya." Her father concludes. Amaya or Samara just stare at both of her parents with a moon-face expression. 

Amaya started her school almost immediately the next day. The principal showed her around the school and gave her her student card. "1b, where is 1b?" 

The sign 1b was soon found after some time of searching. She entered the room only to be greeted by a lot of watchful eyes. "Samara-chan?" A familiar voice called out. 

"Murayama-san? You know what? I think I got the wrong room." She tried to escape. 

"Oi, chotto. You're welcome to stay here if you like." 

"You sure?" She then heard a grunt coming from inside the classroom. She turned around and entered the room. 

"Oh, welcome to the team Samara-chan." Murayama greeted. The others shouted as a form of welcome to the girl. She was given a spot next to Furuya to sit. After about a week in there, she now is familiar with the school's layout and the factions within it.  

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