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Since it's unlikely there will be any new customers and I've cleaned every inch of the cafe, George and I sit at another one of the sofas by the window.

'This is weird.' He breaks the silence.
'I know... seeing you in person...'I begin to speak but he finishes my sentence.
'You look so much more- different.'
These words take me aback.

I remembered my hairs a state, and my skin isn't as smooth as it would be when I do my usual touch up before my stream. I must look very messy.

I suddenly feel self conscious and gross. I see myself in the reflection of the window and whisper,
'Oh god.'

He must've heard me because he immediately realises what I'm thinking,

'No no no. You look different in- a good way. Like you seem different in person, y-you seem nicer.' He stumbles over his words.

I smile at his awkwardness and reply,
'Thanks. I know what you mean, you look different too. It all feels different.'

—George POV—

Her hair falls perfectly around her face, the colour of her hair compliments her glistening y/e/c eyes. On the computer screen, you don't notice the features on someone's face. But in person, she's more beautiful than I ever thought.


His smile is so contagious. He really is handsome. I never noticed it on streams before because you focus on the game not on the person.
Here his features that would normally be unnoticeable on a screen stand out, perfectly.

We've been staring at each other for the past minute and we both realise.

I shake my head, 'ugh sorry. I'm tired, I zoned out.'

'Yeah me too.' He replies, unconvincingly still staring into my eyes.

I go to grab his empty mug but I must reach down at the same time as him because our hands touch.

I feel a shock of a electricity and whip my hand away.
He does the same.
'Did you feel that?' He asks,

'No.' I lie, and pick up the mug and walk behind the counter.

I'm not ready to feel something for someone yet. Especially not George.
He seems like the sort of person to break a girls heart and stamp all over it.
No thank you!
I don't have feelings for George!

I hear steps behind me,
'Where do you wanna go.'
'Well I have to be up early-' I say.
He cuts me off,
'Have you eaten anything today?'

'Of course I've-' I stop half way through my sentence,
I realise I never took my break. I didn't have time for breakfast this morning either. It suddenly occurs to me how hungry I am.
'I'm starving. How did you know?'I admit, smiling.

'You're hangry.' He replies,
'It's very obvious.'

'I do not get hangry!' I snap.

I suddenly realise I am in fact in a mood,
we both laugh.

'I know just the place to take you.' He winks and walks back to the sofa.

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