Chpt 4| first kiss

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Noah Pov:

I remember falling asleep in the car when we were at the mall then mommy woke me up saying we were home. She helped me get out of my car seat and I helped her carry the bags to my room

" mommy, tan we watch a mobie " I asked feeling extra little and talking in my baby voice

" of course baby come on " she said holding her hand out for me

" uppies " I said shyly as she giggled and picked me up

I put my head on her shoulder and played with her soft beautiful curly hair

She sat me on the couch and went to grab the remote, once she sat down I quickly went to snuggle next to her. " do I have a snuggly baby " she said as I giggled and hid my face in her arm.

" your cute baby " she said as I started blushing. The movie started and I started getting happy because it was Boss Baby

" mama I be da boss like him " I said putting my hands on my hips sassily

" I don't think so puppy " she said as I scrunched up my face and sat back down next to her

Half way through the movie I got bored and put my thumb in my mouth

" no no thumbs baby that's dirty let's go get your paci " she said carrying me to my room

She took the paci from off my dresser and popped it in my mouth as I started sucking on it.
" cute " she said kissing my cheek

I looked at her lips and they looked so soft and plump and beautiful I wish I could kiss her lips but I was to afraid to ask

" what are you looking at baby " she said caressing my cheek

"Nofing" I said around the paci

" alright come on it's bath time " she said as I squealed in excitement

I ran to the bathroom and heard her say no running your gonna get hurt but I was to excited.

Once I got there I looked for my new bath toys we got at the mall and threw them in the tub

" hey you stinker mommy said no running " she said tickling me

" sowy mama " I said laughing

" want mommy to take you a bath or you want to be a big boy and do it " she asked as I got shy and pointed to her.

She helped me get undressed as I couldn't stop blushing because this is the first time she had seen me naked and I was shy.

" want bubbles " she said smiling as I nodded happily

She added the bubbles in as I squealed when I saw them forming

" alright let's get you washed up "
she said as I kept playing with my toys

She washed my hair making it look like a mohawk then my arms and neck then when she got to my prince parts she stopped and I froze

" do you want to wash your prince parts or do you want mommy to wash your prince parts " I blushed and looked down saying " mama do it " as she giggled and kept washing me

Mommy kept washing the rest of my body softly as I continued to play with my toys and the bubbles

She rinsed my body and let me play for a bit longer I watched her as she sat next to the tub playing with me that's when I looked at her lips again. I took my paci out my mouth and just went for it

" mommy can I has a kissy " I said as she smiled and kissed my cheek

" no mommy a big boy kissy " I said giggling as she looked shocked and then smiled

She leaned in slowly and so did I until our lips touched and I pulled away blushing

" how was that " she asked unplugging the drain and getting my towel

" I wike big boy kissys " I said giggling as she helped me out the tub and wrapped me in my towel

She carried me to my room and set me on my bed picking out my pajamas

" big boy underwear or pull ups " she asked as I pointed to the pull ups.

She helped me get dressed and put them on and I put my shirt on myself like a big boy

It was now 8 o'clock it was my bed time.

" alright baby bed time " mommy said as I pouted and shook my head of curls as they bounced around

" no bedtime " I said crossing my arms

" yes bedtime right now come on " she said carrying me into bed

" no no no bed time I no sleepy " I said loudly

" hey don't raise your voice at mommy and you definitely don't say no to mommy, I think it's time for rules mister " she said as i shook my head

" rules no fun " I said yawning and rubbing my eyes

" go to bed puppy your tired " she said as I got under the covers and snuggled with my stuffed animals

" goodnight puppy " she said kissing my lips and I giggled

" wait mommy " I said sitting up before she left " what is it " she asked as I puckered my lips once more

" one more and then ni-night " I said giggling as she giggled and kissed my lips again.

" goodnight baby " she said turning on my night light and walking out.

I stared at the ceiling thinking about her lips again until I fell asleep with my paci half way out my mouth

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