Chpt 20| Only With Mommy

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Mommy Pov

Today I was taking Noah with me to my friend Sarah's birthday party, all our friends that were going knew we had littles and they all accepted what we did they have all been begging me to bring Noah

Noah was now waking up from his afternoon naps that were from 12:30 to 1:30

I was getting dressed in my room when he walked in and closed his eyes " sowy mommy " he said giggling as I walked over and uncovered his eyes " big boy Noah would be loving this and it's nothing you've never seen before " I told him picking up and placing him on the bed

I was getting dressed in my room when he walked in and closed his eyes " sowy mommy " he said giggling as I walked over and uncovered his eyes " big boy Noah would be loving this and it's nothing you've never seen before " I told him picking up an...

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" mommy where are you going " he asked pouting as I put shirt on and tied my shoes

" dont worry baby your coming as well and we're gonna have fun and aunt Sarah's house " I said smiling but it didn't make his cute pout go away so I thought if I gave him a quick peck kiss then it would work but it didn't

" what's the pout for prince " I said as he pointed to my shorts
" what's wrong with them " I asked as he crossed his arms
" to short, my mommy " he said as I giggled " no funny " he said and I laid him down crawling on top of him " all yours " I said sucking lightly on his neck as he giggled " mine " he said hugging me as I sat him up and started undressing him out of his pajamas

" what's the pout for prince " I said as he pointed to my shorts " what's wrong with them " I asked as he crossed his arms " to short, my mommy " he said as I giggled " no funny " he said and I laid him down crawling on top of him " all yours " I ...

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I went to his room picking out clothes 👆

when I came back to my room I found him skipping around jumping on the bed butt naked and when he saw me he sat back down and giggled " silly boy " I said putting his stuff down next to him " YAY MY BOOTS " he said pointing as I laughed

" are you gonna be a big boy and tell me when you have to go potty or do you want a pull up " I asked as thinks " I be big boy " he said smiling as I put his blue boxers on

" mommy look suwy on my underwear " he said giggling as I smiled and nodded " yup that's sully "

" stand up " I sat putting on his green onesie then laying him down to clip the bottoms I then put him black overalls on and his white socks.

" want a green paci or blue paci " I asked as he pointed to the green taking it out my hand and putting it in his mouth, I then carried him downstairs were I sat him on the couch drinking juice out of his green sippy cup while I got everything ready, also bringing some extra clothes and pull ups in case of an accident, I got everything ready in the car and put his favorite boots on and we were on our way to Sarah's house

———-an hour later 3PM————-

I pulled up to the drive way seeing a few cars there I looked back to see Noah playing with his little toys " are you going to be shy " I said as he blushed and shook his head when I knew damn well he was

I let him ring the doorbell as he hid his face in my neck and out came Sarah " hey Delilah, hey Noah " she said tickling him as she squirmed and giggled in my arms " hi auntie Sarah " he said looking at her as she kissed his cheek " are you going to let me hold you " she asked laughing as he blushed covering his face with his hands " only mommy " he said giggling as she tickled him and led us inside to see others talking among themselves

We walked in the kitchen and saw that it was a men's hangout because there were about 8 of them sitting down drinking beer playing cards

Sarah then led everybody outside to tables with food on them where we could all pick out from and empty tables and chairs to sit on

" hungry " I asked as he held onto me shaking his head putting his head on my shoulder

I went to take some food for me kind of struggling with Noah in my arms but I managed

When I sat down Layla and Skylar sat down next me on each side as we talked and they couldn't help but awe at Noah being shy, we caught up on a few things while Noah stayed hidden in my neck scared to make eye contact with anybody but Sarah and me

I then felt the sudden urge to go to the bathroom I whispered to Noah that I'd be going but he only shook his head clinging onto me

" come Noah you can sit with me and you can play a game on my phone " Layla said as he whined and shook his head

" please noah " I said as he started crying " I go wif you " he said as I sighed " Noah if you let me go and stay here with Layla you can stay up past bedtime " I said as he sniffled " ice cream and cuddles " he said as I smiled and nodded he slowly got off of me and sat with Layla as they play games on her phone

I quickly hurried to the bathroom did my business and went back down to see Noah giggling with Layla, it made me happy he was opening up to her and to Skylar

when I came back and sat down he slipped off her lap and back to mine cuddling into my chest
" hey your gonna leave me just like that " Layla said faking crying making Noah giggle and hide his face in my neck

Noah eventually started getting comfortable with everybody there until it was time to go and he started whining, I thought it was because he didn't want to leave

" come on puppy we gotta go " I said holding my hand out for him until he covered his crotch and I knew it was because he had to go to the bathroom I picked him up rushing him upstairs where he quickly didn't hesitate to take off his overalls and sitting down without me even closing the door first

it took him alittle while before giggling saying he was done as I praised him for not having an accident

Once I wiped him I took him back down to say goodbye to Sarah
" kisses to auntie Sarah " I said leaning him towards her as he gave her a kiss on the cheek and she gave one in return " thank you Noah, be good for mommy or I'm gonna keep you forever " she joked as he giggled and shook his head.

We got all packed and got in the car as soon as I pulled it he giggled, " what's so funny " I asked " I no forget about ice cream and cuddles and stay awake wif you past bedtime " he said as he sighed then laughed

" alright alright what movie are we  going to watch " I said looking in the review mirror as he smiled " Mikey and suwy " he said putting his green pacifier in his mouth " alright Monsters Inc it is " I said as he cheered behind his paci and babbled to himself all the way home!

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