Chpt 8| first punishment

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Delilah(mommy Pov)

I woke up checked the time it was 9am and Noah never sleeps past 10 so I thought to get in the shower then go make him breakfast

After my shower I put on a light yellow crop top with blue ripped jeans and my black low top vans

I was looking threw the fridge and cabinets and I realized that we needed some groceries, I wanted to wait for Noah to wake himself up because then he's just cranky

I decided to make him his morning bottle and watch tv leaving it in the microwave sitting their

It was about 9:48 before I heard Noah calling me so I went upstairs seeing him sit up in his bed rubbing his eyes

" mommy " he said making grabby hands

" hi puppy did you sleep good " I said sitting on the edge of his bed as he cuddled into me

" how about you got brush your teeth while mommy gets your clothes ready can you be a big boy and do that for me " I said as he smile tiredly nodding

" yes mommy I be a big boy " he said getting up running to the bathroom.

I went threw his closet and chose a cute outfit for him

I waited for him to come back to get him dressed and ready
" mommy i have baba " he said as I nodded picking him up and putting him on my hip

" mommy your strong I'm to heavy for you " he said pouting playing with my necklace

" awe no baby if anything your tiny your light as a feather don't be silly " I said grabbing his chin making him look at me as I gave him a quick kiss as he giggled

I sat him on the couch and got his warm milk from the microwave
I saw him watching cartoons when I sat next to him as he reached for his bottle
" relax baby your going to get your bottle " I said giggling as I put the nipple of the bottle to his lips as he hungrily sucked on it

I moved him so that his head would be on my lap as he held the bottle to his lips facing the tv

I played with his hair and massaged his head, " after your baba we need to go to the store and get groceries and if you behave you can have a special treat alright " I said as he nodded finishing his bottle in about 10 minutes

" we go now mommy " he asked sitting up and putting his head on my shoulder

" not yet baby maybe in an hour or 2 it's only 10:39 " I said as he nodded

In the mean time Noah decided to color some pictures while I cleaned and picked up around the house

By the time I finished cleaning I went to grab Noah's shoes helping him put them on and hopping into the car

Once we got to the store I made him hold onto the cart so he wouldn't get lost it was my only way of making sure he wouldn't run off by getting distracted at the candy aisle

He was good most of the time until we got to the frozen aisle

" mommy can we get ice cweam pwease pwease pwease " he said with the most adorable eyes

" maybe when we finish we can come back and get it last " I told him as he pouted

" but I want it now " he said whining

" hey, no whining we can get it last come on there is still a few things we gotta get " I said as he whined and stomped his feet

" come on bud your not being a very good boy by crying and not listening to mommy " I said as he got the ice cream and put it in the cart crossing his arms

" hmph I want it " he said furrowing his eyebrows giving me a angry look

" it's gonna be melted we can get it last come on now bub " I said putting it back as he then started crying hitting my hands when I tried to grab him

" hey don't hit it's not nice we dont hit Noah especially not mommy " I said as he whined more

" I want the ice cweam now why can't I f*cking have it " he said crying then covering his mouth realizing what he had just said

" alright that's it " I said taking the ice cream out the cart putting it back in the fridge and grabbing him standing him up walking to get the last few things before exiting the store

" mommy I'm sorry please don't be mad " he said from the back seat as I looked back at him

" you swore, you threw a little tantrum and hit mommy babe you know that's not acceptable you said you were going to be a good boy and you weren't so now your getting punished " I said as he then cried more pleading for me not to punish him

" nope that's enough stop crying your getting punished " I said driving back home where I brought him the little chair in the corner of the living room

" you sit here until mommy is done putting everything away do you understand " I said kneeling down to him as he nodded

" words pup " I said as he sniffled

" yes mommy I understand " he said wiping his nose and looking down

I fixed and organized everything it took about 15 minutes before I headed back to Noah

" alright why are you in timeout " I asked as he wiped his eyes

" I was a bad boy " he said sadly almost making me feel sorry for him

" mhm how were you a bad boy " I asked

" hit mommy "

" and "

" frew a tantwum "

" and "

" say a bad word "

" that's right now I want you to go upstairs to my room pants off and that little butt of your in the air face down in the pillows, got it " i said growling in his ear as he whimpered and nodded running upstairs

I then thought to myself maybe I shouldn't go hard on him being that this is the first every punishment I've given him

I waited a little before going up and once I did I walked into my room with his face in the pillow and him in his boxers with his pants on the ground next to the bed

I sat on the edge of the bed pulling him onto my lap

" alright I'm giving you 3 spanks and everytime I spank you your gonna say your sorry mommy and what ever your sorry for alright babe " I said as he whimpered and nodded


" I'm sorry mommy for hitting " he said whining


I hit alittle harder as he groaned and squeezed the bed sheets
" I'm sorry for frowing a tantwum mommy " he said with tears coming out of his eyes


i spanked alittle harder the last time as he jolted foward whining

" I'm sorry mommy for saying a bad word " he said crying

" it's alright puppy just no more swearing and hitting and your gonna be a good boy from now on right " I said rubbing his bum softly

" I'm tired mommy " he said rubbing his eyes

" from all that crying you should be prince, come lay down with mommy " I said moving back toward the head board of the bed as he rest his head on my breast and slowly started falling asleep as I whispered sweet things in his ears and massaging his head

hope y'all like this book, please vote thanks hehe 💕😏

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