Chapter 2

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I got so caught up with my own happiness because of this dealership that I accidentally took the wrong turn on my way back home, and boy did I get lost there for a second.

However, the day was still not over and I couldn't wait to get out of the house together with my friends to go and celebrate this magnificent announcement, so I called them right away and said:
-"Ladies... go and get ready, meet me at our usual spot for celebrations in 1 h, because tonight we are having fun and it's my treat!"

The girls got so happy and agreed to all get ready, and just like that 1 h later we were all gathered in front of "Paradise club" in Times Square.

Since it was a Friday night it was pretty crowded with all the d-list celebrities trying to get in, but with me being best friend with the owner, I easily managed to get us in the club.

Seriously, I am almost a vip guest because of how good of a friend I am with the owner who also happens to be my grandma!

Don't get me twisted, she is nice and all, but VERY bitter. She is the type of old lady to say something like "Don't get married and have kids, it's not worth it. All men do is lie and kids only disappoint. Tch, screw them kids. I still love you tho!"

Yeah... She is iconic because she lets me do almost everything, plus she is almost never at the club since she's dealing with "shady business" if you know what I mean. Which is only a plus for me as long as her bodyguards actually do their jobs to protect her.

Anyway, like I said we got into the club and as soon as the bouncers moved to the side to let us in, a firm and soft youthful piece of wind was flying over the 5 of us, creating that perfect cheerleader effect.

An effect that makes a group of people look better as a group rather than individual persons.

I didn't mind though, because I was really feeling myself in that... I don't want to say slutty, but... it wasn't the most appropriate dress for a regular day or date. So yeah, in my black, short and inappropriate dress, I felt like I could take over the world and seduce any man out there only for me to steal all his money and leave him hanging.

(This was the dress btw)

But  of course, as soon as we all step into that same club, all of my girlfriends are swayed away by models, athletes, business men, cartel bosses, authors, doctors and so many other powerful men and I am just left there standing alone

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But  of course, as soon as we all step into that same club, all of my girlfriends are swayed away by models, athletes, business men, cartel bosses, authors, doctors and so many other powerful men and I am just left there standing alone.

So like I usually do when I get ditched by my friends at the club, I found my way to the hot bartender that EVERY person is into because he is just THAT hot bartender.

However I just recently found out that Mr. Lucas Wong is into me too, therefore I took my opportunity and decided that tonight might not be as dull as I expected it too:).

Approaching the bar, I almost got blinded by the fabulous lights that are embracing this place to it's fullest, so on my way there I really tried not to trip like a dumbass, but of course in the end I ended up doing that anyway. Thank god he was flirting with some other woman so he had a distraction while I was successfully saved from that second hand embarrassment!

Although, I am not going to lie, it kind of hurt me seeing that he was flirting with other women when I had just found out that he had a thing for me. Maybe I'm just being selfish, but it really pinned me down on the inside.

I had finally put my butt on a chair at the front "desk" and he greeted me with those big brown puppy dog eyes, and that beautiful big smile of his right away. It made me blush like a high school girl, just thinking of him with me in bed tonight, going faster when I tell him to go slow and just calling my name with a slight moan in it. We would be so sweaty and there would just be a mess where I would practically beg him to impregnate me, basically begging for his kids and just pleasing him so good that he'll always get those tingly flashbacks every time he sees me.

Yeah, it's pretty rough but lord did the right thing to not give humans the ability to read minds, otherwise people would think I am crazy and desperate.

Not because I am denying the fact that I am crazy and desperate, but... not everyone has to know. Plus I don't do one night stands because of my fear that I will catch feelings for the person that I sleep with, and them not loving me back. But with Lucas it's... it's different, for sure. It feels like I've known that man ever since birth when in reality I've only known him for 3 years, so I am willing to take that risk.

I order my usual order, Negroni, but while I was waiting for the hottie behind the desk to finish mixing my funny little potion for tonight, I felt a strong feeling that someone was staring at me... and I swear it was so tense, but when I finally looked over my left shoulder there was no one who was directly staring at me.

That kind of caught me off guard and reminded me to go get my drink, and then when I was just about to reach for my card Lucas grabs my other hand, looks me deep right into my eyes and goes:
-"It's on the house... or you can repay me later if you'd wish."

At that moment he tilted his head and leaned in. He was so close to me that I could smell his intoxicating cologne, and his lips had never looked tastier in my whole life. And I swear to god for a second I was so ready to just grab his jaw and kiss him, but reality hit me right in the head and my surprising expression quickly changed into a serious face with a little smirk on it replying with:
-"We'll see if you're lucky enough and I don't end up finding someone else tonight that I might gift a little something for free to." While having my left eyebrow slightly raised.

But we got interrupted by some drunk 20 year old asking for a new gin and tonic before daddy came to get her home.

~Girls... oh to be that young again... oh well might as well sit here for a little and check my phone instead of just sitting here like an idiot doing nothing. ~

*Opens Instagram*

Was what I was panicking about without noticing a tall muscular figure behind me, peeking over my right shoulder and into my phone.

-"Oh, that Wonho kid, who does he think he is? Seems like a little pain in the ass if you ask me!" The tall man said behind me.

~That voice.. I recognize it, could it perhaps be... HIM?!~ I thought as I anxiously turned around and faced my darkest fears. There he was. Wonho, standing behind me and looking down on me with a subtle smirk on those luscious lips of his. He was studying the whole part of me a bit closer, and liking it.. clearly.

But if I am being honest, I didn't mind because I kind of liked it too, even though I knew this is wrong but it just felt right in that one moment.

His dark brown eyes were surrounded by the big lights in the club, meeting my emerald green eyes that were hugged by little brown particles, giving a person looking at my eyes the illusion that the eyes are hazel... when in reality they are as green as $100 bills.

-"So... miss Dior. Don't you agree?"...

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