Chapter 14

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Time flew by, and as I remembered to look up from my working project and up at the clock to see what time it is, a tall and confident man figure was standing in my doorway.

He was fit, and well in shape, holding his black coat under both of his arms whilst leaning against the doorway.

He was stable and ready, and was studying my every move with so much passion. Almost as if I was solving all of the worlds problems in just one snap.

-"Oh, you startled me there!" I said and chuckled.
-"How long have you been standing there, by the way?" I asked him as I was anxiously reaching for my cellphone, still to check the time.

-"Long enough... or, not that long, I mean." He said smiling at me. Kind of smiling because of the fact that I jumped a little when I noticed him... but also because of how shy I became after making a fool out of myself. So... helpless...

-"It's 11.30. AM. Okey, then let's go!" I told him as I grasp my purse, where I put my phone in, and my wallet. I also grabbed my car keys and on the way out, I took my coat.

-"Uhm... I couldn't help but notice your car keys, are we perhaps... taking your car there?" He asked almost surprised of the fact that I just made that decision without asking for any sort of agreement.

-"Yes! Sorry for not asking you, but I just... feel more at ease in my car. If it helps, I can let you chose the music on our way there! As some sort or repayment for not asking for your approval before making this decision?" I said kind of scared and ashamed of my mistake.

-"Sure, I can do that. Although... we both know that's not the type of repayment that I want." He told me as he smirked, and kept eye contact with me as he got into the passenger seat.

-"Okay, now calm down and keep it in your pants mister... not yet! Plus I can't believe you're still onto me when I literally look like a dirty potato!?" I said to him kind of feisty, and somehow annoyed whilst scrunching but raising my eyebrow all at once.

-"No. In my opinion you look like the most beautiful woman in the world. A goddess! When you do the one thing that you are most passionate about... your eyes, they sparkle as if there is no tomorrow. And that inspires me to see both the good and bad in people. To think in bigger perspectives." He said as he laid his left hand on my right hand on the car's clutch, as I was speeding through the city.

It was a cloudy day today, and the sun was slightly peeking through the soft grey and lavender clouds.

I didn't mind, since I really liked this type of weather. It feels fresh, some kind of way.

When he told me those words, my heart was pounding so fast I thought it would give up anytime now and go into cardiac arrest.

So many thoughts in my head, but only three empty words came out of my mouth.

-"...I love you..." I said as my heart somehow still managed to pound even faster than it did before, where I could feel the boiling blood just rushing inside of me right now. Putting me in an adrenaline mentality, where I was panicking so effortlessly.

-"You don't mean that!" Wonho said as he scoffed looking out the car shield as he took a moment on him before making this statement.

-"... Or at least not yet." He reassured me.

-"Look. Whatever it is that you are going through, you should be careful not to say things that you don't mean so easily. People might actually fall for it and take it for granted. And you don't have to explain what has happened to you, but sometimes it can be therapeutic to just let go of something that is burdening you." He said while finding his way back onto my gaze that was glued on the windshield, and out on the road...

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