Chapter 1

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As we pull into the small town of Crowns I get an uneasy feeling. I brush it off as new move jitters, even though I absolutely hate the fact that my mom was making us move. I had it good back in the city. A decent boyfriend, a good athletic career, and a good musical arts career. But my moms husband was sleeping with his coworker and he got to keep the house in the divorce. 

It's transitioning from summer to fall but it's still warm enough for short sleeves. The leaves are slowly changing and the wind is only a warm breeze. I have to admit, this time of year makes Crowns look like something from a Hallmark movie. We are moving to the small town of Crowns from the rather large city of Filias. We are going from a two-story, five bedroom two bathroom, to a one-story ranch style with three bedrooms and one bathroom, now that it's just my little brother and I. 

 When we pulled into the driveway, only big enough for two cars, we all hesitated. It was my mom who broke our tense silence. "It doesn't look so  bad," she paused "right?". She turned to look at me but my face was out the window gazing over at the neighbors house. It was tall and blue with a front porch protruding out about five feet. It looked elegant even for it's worn state. The paint was a tad peeled and the house looked old but it gave off a home-like presence. My mom pulled me out of my daze by yanking out my headphone. "Hey, I've been talking to you." she said with slight irritation.

"I'm sorry momma I was just looking over at the neighbor house." I turn off my music and look back over at it, getting lost in it's odd beauty again.

 "Hmm. Maybe they will have kids your age." she said in her optimistic tone that suggests I was actually going to make friends. I snorted and got out of the car. Stretching, I shuffle around to the back to grab my suitcase and a few boxes. I began to drag them into the house one by one taking my time. By the time I had all of my boxes and my suitcase in my room, the moving van came with our mattresses and tables. We help the guys unload the truck and put everything in their semi-respective places as the evening sun sets in the west. We debate on going out to a nearby reasturant, only to find the nearest one twenty miles away. There was only a Casey's and a Francesca's in town, but we instead decided on frozen pizza then called it a night.

I wake up to the quiet house and a steady stream of sunlight coming in through the curtains. I yawn and stretch not wanting to get out of my bed. I glance down at my phone and it's ten-o'clock in the morning. I groan, the urge to pee forcing me to get up. I open my door and walk down the narrow hallway to the bathroom, then to the living room. My youngest brother, Anthony or Tony for short, was still snoozing on the couch. My mom left me a note by the porch door reading:

         Good morning sweety. Sorry for not waking you when I left. I know we were supposed to unpack together today but I had to work last minute and with the new house I can't miss anymore days. Keep your brother occupied and unpack your guys' rooms unless you did it already. I'll be home around five like usual and the last moving van will be here around six with the other couch, the TV and other odds and ends. Have a good day, love you guys

LOVE MOM          

I go back to my room and get started on unpacking. Tony comes into my room as I'm unpacking my last box. "Can we go to the park?" He asks as I stack my books on the shelf of my closet.

"Mom said we have to unpack our rooms before we can do anything." I tell him looking over my shoulder. He groans and dissapears out the door. It takes me another thirty minutes to finish unpacking and then I collapse onto my bed. I take out my phone and check the time before scrolling through social media.

 About an hour flys by and Tony comes running into my room again. "I finished, can we go to the park now?"

"No. I don't even know where it is" I say not looking up from my phone. He throws a bratty fit, and we agree that he can just play in the yard. I get on a pair of leggings and a sweater and we go outside. I sit on the front steps for awhile and watch him run around until he begs me to play with him. I reluctantly get up and we throw a football around while chatting about how much we dread going to school in two weeks. 

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