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An operation set by the C.I.A. is set in the city streets of New York City, three undercover agents, working to find illegal weapons, have found a gun smuggling deal in the downtown area. A man by the name of Daquan Reeves, codename "The Dealer," has recovered dangerous weapons including, assault rifles, high powered sniper rifles, and machine guns.

Agent Jackson and Agent Patterson are nearby in a building gathering intel for undercover inside man Lukas Stalik. "Okay Lukas, can you see the Dealer?" said Agent Jackson.

"No, that is a negative, I think he's in the house," said Lukas Stalik through an earpiece. "So, how are you and Alex doing?" said Lukas with a smile on his face.

"Come on Lukas, let's keep focus on the mission, but were doing good," said Jackson winking at Alex.

"Okay, Lukas, I need you to see if you can find the Dealer. Once you locate him, do not engage, I repeat do not engage," said Alex with her arm wrapped around Jackson.

"When you spot him, make sure you make it clear. I'll then come out and I'll look like a client, then we'll take out the Dealer," said Jackson. "When we meet him, we have to take him somewhere alone, separate him from the location."

"Unders... Wait I think I see him," said Lukas trying not to seem offbeat to the other individuals in the area.

"I cannot come out unless you know, for certain, its 'The Dealer,'" said Jackson.

"I'm not completely sure," said Lukas sweating under his thick jacket.

"God damn it Lukas, is it him or not, you have to be completely certain," said Jackson in a furious tone.

Alex then muted the microphone, so she can have a chat with Jackson, "Jackson, take it easy on him, he's a fresh recruit from the academy. Hand me the mic Jackson," she said in a soft tone.

Jackson then handed Alex the mic angrily. Alex smiled at him and then spoke into the mic.

"Okay Lukas I need you to breath. Now focus, remember the features of this man. Tell me the features of him," she said.

"Okay, umm, he's black, looks like he has a scar on top of his left eye, and seems to be five to six feet tall," said Lukas while stuttering.

"Okay, sounds like him. Is there a security detail with him?" asked Alex, while looking at Jackson laughing. She then turned off the mic again. "What's so funny Jackson?"

"How come you aren't this nice with me?" he said while chuckling.

She laughed a bit then spoke, "Because..." before she finished Lukas began screaming in the mic for back up.

"Jackson, Alex, get down here, I messed up," he said while gun shots could be heard zipping and zapping though his earpiece.

"The hell, Lukas this was supposed to be a covert operation," Jackson said through the mic before picking up a pistol and a submachine gun.

"Jackson, wait for me," said Alex, putting on her bullet proof vest.

"No, Alex. You're going to stay here, call for back up, and be safe. I can't stand the thought of losing you," he said kissing her, and running out of the building towards the firefight.

While he was running, Alex went inside and grabbed a gun. She locked the doors, and radioed base. "Base, this is Agent Patterson, we need backup over?"

There was no response, Alex forgot it was radio-silence; she then picked up her weapon and preceded towards the fight. As she ran closer and closer, the more gun shots and screams she heard. She ran past people, covered in blood, running in the opposite direction as her. She could smell the blood in the air.

Less than a block away, she saw muzzle flares, through a dark cloud of smoke, made from gunpowder. She ran though the smoke, to see dead bodies everywhere. She then pulled out her sidearm and took it off safety. She then spoke into her earpiece.

"Lukas, Jackson, do any of you copy," she repeated this as she walked through the dense smoke area.

There were no responses, it was completely quiet, she could only see a couple of yards in front of her. There were large shipping crates full of weapons and bodies. As she went deeper and deeper in the smoke, she noticed two men a couple yards away. One was on the ground coughing blood, the other was helping him. They were under a lot of fire, so Alex then ran towards them. The man helping the other man, then picked up his weapon and fired at Alex's leg.

She then fell down, crying in pain. The man ran up to Alex and pointed his gun at her. "Alex, is that you? Why did you come here? I told you to stay at the HQ. I, I, I shot you," said Jackson picking her up and moving her to the position they previously were at.

"Couldn't leave you to this mess?" said Alex looking at her wound. She looked over to Lukas, and covered her mouth in regret.

"I need you to stop crying, take this. I need to take care of Lukas. He has a lot of bullet wounds. I don't think he's going to make it," Jackson said to Alex while handing her his submachine gun.

As seconds passed, it felt like days to Alex, men came here and there and one by one Alex shot at them. She glanced every once in a while to look at Jackson and Lukas to see if they were alright. Alex lost a lot of blood, and began to lose consciousness.

She then fell to the floor, and glanced at them. Jackson praying to Lukas, holding him close to his chest.

"Our father, who art in heaven, hallow be thy name, thy kingdom come, that will be down on earth as it is in heaven..." as Jackson finished "Our Father," Lukas closed his eyes and stopped moving, he was at peace. Jackson put him down as a tear came down one of his cheeks. He put his coat over his face, and picked up his pistol. He ran to Alex, picked her up and ran towards a container. By this a lot of the smoke cleared so they were fired upon heavily. Jackson was hit many times, but he did not stop.

Once he ran into the container he put her in a safe spot, he kissed her on the fore head. She put her arms around him, and he put her head on his chest. He pushed her off of him, it was very difficult of him to leave her. He closed the doors and looked straight at the enemy. As tears flowed from his eyes, and onto the floor he dropped his weapons, and closed his eyes looking into the rising sun.

Everything was slower, it felt as Jackson was unstoppable. Jackson had believed God had given invincibility, but only a split second later, the first bullet went right through his heart.

He fell to the ground. He was then shot by so many other bullets. Each bullet that went through him, Alex could somehow feel that Jackson was slowly being taken away from her. Each bullet that went through Jackson, a tear flowed down Alex's cheek. She passed out on the cold metal flooring, because of her grief.

When she woke up she saw Jackson's head, cut clean off in someone's hands, Daquan's hands. He smiled at her and threw it on the floor next to her. She tried to scream, and stand up, but she was too weak. All she did was listen to what the man was saying.

"I should cut off your head, but your pretty little head is worth something to my employers. If it weren't for them, you would be in my collection," said Daquan, a.k.a. The Dealer, menacingly to Alex as he put the buck knife he used to cut off Jacksons head to her neck.

Alex spit blood at his face. He then slapped her knocking her out.

"Daqaun we should get going, the master will not be pleased with the mess we have made," said Alex Murdock, one of The Dealer's oldest members in crime.

"Yes, I suppose we go," he then left Alex alone with Jackson's body on top of hers.

"What do we do about them?" asked Joseph Lewis.

"Don't do anything, leave them. They'll be a sign," said Daquan.

As the sirens came closer, the closer Alex became to becoming conscious, but as she was unconscious all she saw was Jackson's head, being sliced off. The blood, and pain. All she could think of was REVENGE.

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