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Leilani Fanene

Hey my name is Leilani Fanene. I'm 26 years old and I'm bi racial. I'm half Black half Samoan I just look more black then Samoan. My mom is Black and my father is Samoan. I have an older sister name Mercedes who is married to a rapper and pregnant with their first child. My sister and I are from Oakland California. My boyfriend is a professional basketball player name Chris King who plays for the LA Vipors. We don't have a child because he doesn't want a child and because I can't have kids. I have a sexual relationship with my friend Bryce who I met in college I'm a criminal lawyer and work for a law firm called Rodriguez Law Group. I'm a very private person and people think I live this perfect life because of who my boyfriend is but so that's far from the truth especially since Chris cheats on me on the regular and what's worse is that I can't ever prove it.

Chris King

What's up my name is Chris King. I'm 22 years old and a professional basketball player playing for the LA Vipors. I don't have any kids because I don't want any. I plan to leave Leilani she honestly bores me which is why I won't marry her but I have my eyes on a Golden Nugget dancer name Kalinda Walters who I plan leaving Leilani for but at the moment I love having sex with other women, I guess you can say I'm addicted to sex. Leilani is a lawyer and I'm a private person. I also know she's cheating on me with her friend Bryce but I can't prove it but honestly I don't care cause I'm going to leave her anyway. I'm from Atlanta but went to college in LA where I met Leilani.

Bryce Jackson

Hey I'm Bryce Jackson. I'm an actor from Torrance California and I'm what you can guess friends with benefits with my friend Leilani Fanene who I met in college while she was with her sorry ass boyfriend Chris King. I wanted to be with her but she was already with his sorry ass. So I settled to be her sexual partner which at the time I was fine with at the time but now we hooked up behind her boyfriend's back since law school and we've been together for 4 years now.

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