✋Goodbye Hollywood

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Kota's Pov

"Dakota I need two hundred dollars to go to the spa. I would let you tag along but you need to get to work." That's my dad's girlfriend. My mom died when I was five in a car accident. I gave her two hundred.

That night when I was done with photo shoots I hurried got home. My bags were packed. I knew they would be on vacation when I got back. I put my bags in the limo and took off. I was on the next plane to Minnesota. Why I don't knows.

When I got off the plane the sun was shinning bright. I got off and grabbed a cab and went to a dealership and got a Toyota Auris all black. I started driving had the air blasting on me. Farms were everywhere. I pulled up to one and got out, and knocked on the door. A women who looked like she was in her forties came up to the door and smiled.

"Um....hi.... I am sorry if I bothered you, but can you direct me to the nearest hotel." I asked.

"There is none near here how long you staying you not one of those realtors who taking our farms away huh." She asked.

"No, but I plan on staying here for two years I want to graduate highschool, then live a year in the country then go back to California." I said.

"Oh where's your parents are they okay with this right you didn't run away huh honey." The lady asked.

"My mom died and my father could care less." I said, and she grabbed my hand and dragged me in. I was kind of scared but she took me to the dining room. A girl about fourteen sat at the table, I am guessing her husband and this so handsome guy my age sat there.

"Here sit down and eat. You can live with us till we move. We can't afford to live here but sit." The lady said. I could feel the others eyes on me.

"I can't I can go to a hotel if you just tell me where it is." I said.

"Now you listen to my wife you can stay here. Sit there's room for you." Her husband said, and I took a seat.

"I am Kelly and that's Frank my husband, that's Kate she's fifteen, and this is Dustin he is eighteen and single. School starts next week I can enroll you." She said.

"You mean with other people." I said but too loudly. "What's that like exactly how would I do that." I asked.

"Are you one of those rich girls." Kate asked.

"I was homeschooled." I said avoiding her question. Dinner was ate in quiet. I helped cleared the table and wash the dishes. I went outside and got to my car and grabbed my purse and I felt someone's presents.

"Do you need help." A handsome voice said and I looked behind me and saw Dustin.

"Oh I think I got it but thanks." I said and got my phone out and tried to get a signal.

"You won't get a signal here we don't have cell service here but a mile or two there's a pay phone." Dustin said.

"Two years without cell service I can do that. Does the high school have internet or something." I asked.

"Yeah." He said, and I nodded. I grabbed my suitcases but he took them and carried them inside. I went to the kitchen and saw Kelly and Frank looking at papers and talking.

"We can afford to live here one more month then we have to leave." Frank said. I walked the hallways and looked at the family pictures of them.

"What's it like to have a family." I asked the person behind me.

"Sweetie how long has it been since you had a family." She said.

"Since my mom died when I was five, my dad got a girlfriend and I was put in the shadows so my family went away at five." I said and she nodded. "I'm going to go get some air." I said, and she nodded. I went outside and walked around the farm and the scenery was beautiful.

"Um....theres this party tonight since school starts next week. Do you wanna go." Dustin asked. I smiled with my back turned.

"This place is beautiful is it not." I said.

"Yes it is so are you coming." He asked.

"Yes so what is something I could wear." I asked.

"A dress but nothing too dressy. That's for church." He said and I nodded. I took off running to the house and got inside and went to my room. I was sharing with Kate.

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