Spring Fling Part One

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A few weeks after the party, Jungkook is walking out of his music theory class and starts heading out of the building to the parking lot. It is a little chilly for a spring day because it is windy and overcast. As Jungkook gets closer to the parking lot, a gust of wind brings a scent that flows over his face and into his nose. Taehyung

Jungkook looks to his right where the scent is coming from, and far in the corner of the grassy area he can see someone sitting under a group of trees. He can't see who it is but he definitely knows it is Taehyung. As he gets closer, the smell gets stronger and then he recognizes him by sight. As he approaches, he realizes that Taehyung does not see him because the older is looking down and drawing something in his sketchbook. "Hey, Taehyung," Jungkook says looking down at him.

Taehyung slowly looks up and says, "Oh, hey, Jungkook. I didn't know there was anyone else over here."

"There wasn't, I mean, I wasn't. I just smelled you as I was walking to the parking lot and thought I would come say hi."

Taehyung gives an inquisitive look and with one eyebrow raised asks, "You smelled me?"

"Yes, strawberries and vanilla."

"Damn, I really need to talk to my doctor about these suppressants."

Jungkook looks down at his feet and says, "I guess that would be a good idea." Then he notices that Taehyung had started shivering. "Are you alright?"

"I'm good. I just ended up staying here longer than I thought and it is starting to get colder out." Just then, it started to sprinkle and both the boys looked up at the sky. Jungkook took off his back pack and put it on the ground so that he could take off his hoodie. "Here- take my hoodie, you're are going to get even colder."

"But you will get cold."

"My car is right there in the parking lot, I will be okay."

Taehyung takes the hoodie and puts it on, he then starts collecting his things and putting them in his backpack.

Now or never. "Would you like to come to my apartment? I only live like ten minutes away."

"An apartment, how fancy," Taehyung jokes. "Sure, that's cool."

Jungkook breaks the silence during the car ride by asking Taehyung what he was drawing. Taehyung goes on and explains to the younger about his final project and that he needs to do it for his major, it has to be a portfolio consisting of works he did over the four years plus some new pieces. Taehyung is very passionate and excited when he talks about his work, this makes Jungkook smile.

They arrive at Jungkook's apartment. It is just a studio apartment but Jungkook always thought that it was better than being crammed into a dorm or stuck with roommates. It is very simple with a small kitchenette and bathroom, the only furniture is a two-person table for eating, a desk, a dresser, and a bed.

Jungkook walks over to his bed, takes off his backpack, and then sits on the edge of the bed facing Taehyung who is still standing near the door. "Pick a seat," Jungkook says.

Taehyung walks over and sits at the desk and then turns the chair to face Jungkook on the bed.

"You know you can take that off," Jungkook says as he points to Taehyung's backpack.

Taehyung stands up to take his backpack off and lays it down on the ground, he then looks over at Jungkook. He stands there for a minute and then he says, "I know that you were trying to be nice when you invited me over here, and I don't want you to think that I think you were just trying to get laid, but I do think that we both want this night to end the same way."

A little stunned, Jungkook stares at Taehyung, "Yeah you are right, I didn't invite you over with a hidden agenda- but I am not going to say no."




The first time was good, but this time was really good. In a bed with Taehyung all over him, more time for slow kissing and for hands to explore. Definitely time for foreplay. How does this Omega do this to me? He is so hot. And when he is turned on his vanilla turns slightly musky. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Jungkook's Alpha ego always needed to make sure his sexual partners got off, but he sincerely -like for real- wanted to make Taehyung feel good and not just 'get off.' The first time, and the second and third time of the night all were slower and more passionate then their first meeting.

Several hours later, they are both exhausted and trying to catch their breath. Laying there not saying anything, Taehyung quickly sits up and tries to stand up but his legs are wobbly and he almost falls. Jungkook leans over from the bed and grabs Taehyung and pulls him back into bed. Smelling Taehyung's uneasiness, Jungkook calmly says, "Hey, we were in this bed for hours and I didn't exactly go easy on you, you have to give your legs some time to adjust. I'm not kicking you out of my bed, Okay?"

Taehyung nods and lays back down, "but I am super sticky."


Jungkook looks down at all of the mess, "I will slowly go to the bathroom and get you a towel to clean off while you get your land legs back." Jungkook rolls over Taehyung and heads to the bathroom. He brings the older a warm wet towel then walks over to his dresser and pulls out to two pairs of sweatpants. He lays one pair down next to Taehyung and heads to the shower. He wanted to give Taehyung a few minutes because he could smell Taehyung was still feeling uneasy. Jungkook quickly takes a shower and brushes his teeth because he doesn't want to leave Taehyung alone too long.

Jungkook walks out of the bathroom and asks Taehyung if he thinks he could get up. Taehyung sits up and says that he thinks so.

"Okay, grab those sweats and go take a shower, I put a clean towel over the shower curtain rack and there are extra tooth brushes under the sink," Jungkook explains. Why do I want to hug him and take care of him? Usually, I can't wait for the other guy to get the fuck out.

Jungkook changes the sheets while Taehyung is in the bathroom. While he is tucking in the edges of the sheet, he looks up and sees Taehyung standing in front of the bathroom door with wet hair looking a little confused. Shit, he looks good in my sweat pants. Okay, calm down. Jungkook walks over to Taehyung and takes his wrist, "I changed the sheets, it's late, just stay and I will take you home in the morning."

"Sounds good," Taehyung replies. "Can I go get my phone out of my back pack?'

Jungkook laughs a little and says, "Why are you asking me if you can get your phone?"

Taehyung giggles and shrugs his shoulders, "I don't know."

They both start laughing and it breaks the tension between the two.

Taehyung grabs his phone and jumps into bed with Jungkook, "Just let me text Jimin back, he has sent me like ten messages and the last one says he is calling the police if I don't get back to him."

"Jimin?" Jungkook -trying to stay calm- asks.

Taehyung can smell that reaction, "Nothing like that, he is my friend and also an Omega, he just worries about me."

"I mean I know it's not my business, but I don't need some Alpha beating down my door because I am with his Omega."

"It's nothing like that, I promise. Do you smell another Alpha on me?"

"No, but this one time...never mind." Jungkook decides this is not the best time to tell Taehyung about his past sexual adventures."

Jungkook changes the subject by asking Taehyung what he was going to do once he graduates. Taehyung tells him that he is going back to Daegu where his family is and to find a job teaching art to kids. He goes on about how he loves his hometown and children but then suddenly stops talking. Jungkook realizes that the older had fallen asleep and then Jungkook falls asleep himself.

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