Right Place Right Time

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Jungkook walks out onto his balcony to see what the weather is like so he knows what he should wear to work. It is a chilly October morning and the days are starting to get colder now that it is almost Halloween. It had been almost six months since Jungkook saw Taehyung and about four months since he last had any contact with him.

After school ended, Jungkook got a full-time job at a sushi bar for the summer and was also busy working on his music. Taehyung got a job teaching kids art at a summer camp. They would message each other and talk about what was going on but were still afraid to actually ask for each other's phone numbers. Mostly, Jungkook observed Tae from afar by checking out what Taehyung would post on Instagram. One night after a long shift at work, Jungkook went to send a DM to Taehyung but his page wasn't there. Jungkook did not think much about it because maybe Instagram was glitching, so he decided to go to bed and check again the next day.

Taehyung's page was gone the next day, and still gone the next day after that. Jungkook had this large feeling of loss and did not realize that not being able to contact Taehyung, or even see his postings, would hit him so hard. Jungkook started drinking every night after getting off of work and sleeping all day. He tried to numb the feeling of regret, but everyday he would still wake up feeling like such a coward and cursing himself for thinking he had more time. Not knowing what happened was eating him up.

After several drunk calls of him sobbing to his older step-brother, his step-brother convinced Jungkook that he needed a change, a new start. And that is how Jungkook ended up half way around the world working for his step-brother, Yoongi, and his business partner, Namjoon, at their music production company in LA.

Jungkook gets ready for work and heads out of his apartment building to the café around the corner to grab some breakfast before heading to work. As he was rounding the corner of a large building, that is when the scent hit him, strawberries and vanilla. When he turned the corner, he stopped quick because that is when he saw him. Taehyung was standing several feet away on the sidewalk looking at a window display. Suddenly, Taehyung turned and stared at Jungkook. They looked at each other for a few seconds and as soon as Jungkook started to walk forward, Taehyung turned and walked the other way. Jungkook is pretty sure that Taehyung recognized him but he still called out, "Taehyung," just in case.

Taehyung started to walk faster and that is when Jungkook picked up an unfamiliar scent of vanilla and sandalwood. Jungkook was confused, his instinct knew what it meant but his brain could not comprehend what was going on. This propelled him to walk even faster and to call again, "Taehyung."

Taehyung could pick up on Jungkook's sudden change of mood and sensed that Jungkook was getting agitated. Still walking, Taehyung puts his hand on his belly and says, "Pup, I know you can sense your papa, but please don't do this to daddy right now."

To no avail, because his little talk with his pup didn't work and the vanilla and sandalwood scent grew even stronger. That is when Jungkook let out a very stern, "Taehyung!"

This sent a shiver down Taehyung's spine and the little pup practically did a flip in his stomach. He stopped but did not turn around. He waited till he could feel Jungkook right behind him. He took a deep breath, turned around, put on a fake confident smile and said, "Oh, hey Jungkook, I didn't see you there."

Jungkook just stood there staring at Taehyung when the older said, "Did you want to say something to me, Jungkook? You practically hunted me down in the middle of the street."

That's when Jungkook snapped out of his daze and he could feel himself getting overwhelmed with anger, but he held back when he realized that Taehyung was upset. Even though Taehyung was trying to act casual, Jungkook could smell that he was actually terrified.

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