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Yoon-Jin was two days late and was born on January 1st.

A little over a year later, in the month of April, Taehyung and Jungkook were in separate rooms at the Terranea Resort in California each getting ready for their wedding.

It had been a hard year with a newborn baby and a brand-new relationship. Yoon-Jin was born before they had even gotten use to living with each other. In the first few months, they really didn't have time to think about any differences or quirks the other one might have had because they were sleep deprived and in survival mode. Luckily, their hyungs were always begging to take the pup, and when Tae finally was comfortable leaving his babe he and Jungkook tried to make date nights a priority. Jungkook had popped the question about six months ago. Even though they were mated, Jungkook wanted it to be recognized legally. It was not a grand proposal but Jungkook had been thinking about it for a while. It was late one night after they both had finally got their teething pup to settle down and go to sleep. They were both lying on top of their covers in bed and both too tired to take a shower or change into pajamas. Jungkook looked over at Taehyung about to doze off when he moved over and gave Tae a peck on the lips.

"Marry me."

Taehyung's eyes abruptly opened and he saw Jungkook intently staring back at him.

"Wait, I was in the twilight, did I hear you correctly?"

"Yes, marry me," Jungkook said as he gently cupped Taehyung's face with his hands.

"Are you asking, or telling me?" Taehyung asked with a little giggle.

Jungkook softly rubbed his nose on Taehyung's and said, "Telling, I am not giving you a choice," Jungkook said with a wide smile. "Seriously, Tae, I know we are mated but I want to celebrate with our friends and family and show the world that you are it for me."

At this point, Taehyung had a few tears falling down his cheek and he said, "I want to spend the rest of my life with you, so yes, let's get married."

Jungkook used his thumb to wipe one of Tae's tears and leaned in to slowly kiss him.

They kissed passionately for several minutes but they were too exhausted to go any further and they fell asleep in their clothes on top of the covers.

Jungkook's mom and step-dad were shocked, of course, and a little concerned when they found out about the pregnancy and decided to fly to LA soon after. After meeting Taehyung and Jin, Jungkook's mom was more at ease with the whole situation. Even though she was still worried because they were both so young, she realized that the pair had a good support system.

Taehyung's father never came around, but his mom could no longer put up with her emotionally abusive husband and she left him. It was hard for her at first when she moved all the way to LA to live with Jin because she had never been out of Korea and she only spoke broken English. But after a few months she started to feel better about the move because she realized she felt free for the first time in a long time and she was with her sons. LA has a significant population of Korean Americans and she was able to meet some people and could always find a good Korean restaurant to visit when she felt homesick. Most importantly, she was able to be in her grand-pup's life.

Jimin was in Tae's hotel room while they were waiting for the wedding to start. Taehyung was sitting in a chair and Jimin was sitting on the side of the bed.

"You seem oddly calm," Jimin said

"We are mated and already have a pup, Jungkook saw me getting a C-section and then with baby puke all over me for months. He still told me I was handsome when I had bags under my eyes and horrible hair. I am so sure about this and I am really just thinking of it as being a party. I still have butterflies in my stomach, but I am more of a happy nervous, I guess."

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