Chapter 3

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"Hey Tubbo?" Tommy asked. "You awake?"

"I mean, yeah of course. Why wouldn't I be?" Tubbo responded, wide awake.

"Well normally you sleep before m- oh screw it. Is it me or did Phil act weird. Like he was scared or something? He normally has everything under control right? Why would he be scared about some reflections?"

"Well, it could be something bigger. Who knows? After all, he was probably just being worried as per normal."

"...Maybe you're right Tubbo."

However, Tubbo, whose bed is closer to the window, heard something from the conversation downstairs.

'Normal humans?'

The next day, the two brothers were getting ready for school once again, going through the normal routine. They were expecting to come down to the normal, Phil making breakfast, while Wilbur was lazily strumming his guitar. However, they came down to WIlbur making breakfast, and Phil, nowhere to be seen?

"Yo, Wil! Where's Phil?" Tommy asked, basically shouting.

Wilbur, obviously used to how Tommy acted by now, rolled his eyes. "He had to go out for something, a meeting of sorts." Wilbur, of course, knew exactly what this 'meeting' was, but of course, he couldn't tell Tubbo and Tommy. Phil would kill him metaphorically.

"Soo~ What's for breakfast?" Tubbo asked.

"Well, I made the basic, scrambled eggs with bacon fine for you two?"

"YEAH!!" Tommy cheered.

"Yep! Thanks Wil!" Tubbo smiled cheerfully.

10 Minutes Later:

"Bye Wil! See you later!" Tubbo shouted over his shoulder.

Wilbur waved to them until they rounded the corner to school. Wilbur sighed.

"Well, that's over." He muttered. "PHIL! COME OUT I KNOW YOU'RE HERE!"

There was a hushed, pure, sound resembling bells as Phil came in, wings fluttering a little, putting on his bucket-hat.

"Hey Wilbur. So, I managed to excuse myself from the full moon meeting. At least I can accompany y'all in the woods... or try and protect the boys from whatever is about to happen to them."

Wilbur sighed, picking up his guitar, "But you could have told them you just had a meeting, there was no need for me to fake that act. You know I can't cook. Don't be surprised if those two come back with a minor case of food poisoning."

Phil looked at him. "Are you serious? Anyways, let me tell you what we talked about at the meeting. You may want to hear this. I had to talk with ~A~ "

(A/N Italics will probably used for flashbacks for reminiscing)

"Hey, ~A~, I need assistance with something. Could you listen?"

"Yes, sure. What do you need Phil?"

"Well, you see, ~A~, my sons have said they have seen sparkles around my wings and, I'm worried for them."

"So? It's normal right? Your wings are meant to shimmer. They know that you're a fairy right? Wait. Phil. Don't tell me. They are supernatural right?"

At that, Phil stayed silent.

"No way, Phil did you adopt humans? You know that is going to be complicated to explain when they realize what you are."

"Actually, ~A~, one of them already knows."

"Oh? What's their name?"

"It's Wilbur. He's a charmer. One of us."

"Whew, at least no complete humans know yet. So, back to what you were saying, what did you need help with?"

"Well as I told you, my boys have told me that they have seen my wings shimmering. They passed it off as reflections for the first few times but they have told me that it has been happening for about a week now. You know what happens when humans see any supernaturalism."

"It means that something life changing is going to happen. Either positive or negative."

"Exactly. So this is what I need help with."


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