Chapter 5 - 1 Hour Before The ----

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4 hours later:

"Everyone ready to go?" Phil asked.

The whole family nodded, Tubbo smiling, while Tommy had a small smirk. Wilbur looked a bit worried, knowing what was about to happen in the next few hours, it was understandable.

While walking through the woods, the two teenagres were talking. They soon arrived at a clearing. Wilbur unpacked the tent while Phil moved sticks to the side, it could be used as possible firewood. Tubbo and Tommy ran around, finding dry firewood for the campfire.

Phil, being the oldest, and well, the father, staked the tent into the ground, watching out for any anthills and sharp objects, connected the poles, assembling the frame, and secured the rain fly. After about 10 minutes of doing this, he stood back proudly, smiling.

Tubbo dug at the ground, making a little hole, to avoid setting the plants on fire. Tommy threw the sticks, twigs and leaves into the hole.. Wilbur came over and placed a bit of the leaves around the hole, Wilbur then threw a small match into the hole and watched it flare up. Tommy and Tubbo watched in wonder.

Phil walked over and eyed the fire, mostly at the small sparks popping out. He eyed Wilbur and said,

"Hey Tommy, Tubbo, can you guys get the food and pot from my bag please?"

The two boys nodded and ran to the bag. Phil squatted near the fire and muttered a spell. With that, the fire stopped sparking and smoking, and instead grew hotter. Phil smiled. At least that reduced the chances of this forest burning down.

Soon it was 9pm. The noodles were cooking in the boiling water with Phil poking at it ever so often. Wilbur was strumming his guitar while humming. And Tommy and Tubbo were playing a game of tag around the clearing.

"Food's ready!" Phil yelled.

The two boys stopped running around and walked over. Phil was separating the noodles into bowls for everyone. Wilbur took his bowl, slowly setting his guitar back into its guitar case. Tommy took his bowl first, then Tubbo. Phil was the last to eat. Soon, everyone was slurping on their noodles and drinking their soup, while talking happily.

Soon, Phil clapped his hands, "Alright! Time to pack up!"

Wilbur stomped out the fire.

Tommy and Tubbo went into the communal tent to sleep.

Wilbur and Phil POV:

Bold: Phil

Italic: Wilbur

"So what's the plan?"

"Just make sure to wake up immediately if you hear anything, be it a scream or footsteps."


"Ok. Goodnight Wilbur."

With that, they both stepped over the two boys in the tent and went to sleep.

??? POV:

Bold: POV 1

Italic: POV 2

"This does not feel like a good idea you know."

"So what? They're easy prey!"

"Yeah, but they're our friends! We can't just attack them!"

"Easy for you to say, hellhound." ??? 2 spat.

"Fine, but if any of them die, their souls are mine."



I'll finish this arc in the next chapter probably. Then we can get iNtO tHe dRamA

Hope you have a good day, afternoon, or night!

also hope you enjoyed the wholesome bits in this. :D

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