Chapter 6 - The ----

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Tommy awoke with a jolt.

'That was a weird nightmare... I never have nightmares.' He thought.

Tommy decided to take a short walk, he contemplated waking up Tubbo, his hand over his side, but decided against it. Tubbo was sleeping so peacefully. He may wake up Phil and Wilbur.

Tommy quietly unzipped the tent and stepped out, breathing in the fresh ai- what is that smell? Tommy sniffed the air. Rotten eggs? SULFUR?!

'Why do I smell sulfur?' Tommy thought.

He decided to walk towards it. What the worst that could happen?

He walked forwards. He saw a dark figure, and a red glow. He then saw a flash of orange.

'What the fuck?' Tommy thought to himself.

"Who's there?" Tommy asked into the darkness.

The bushes rustled.

Sapnap walked out of the bushes.

"Heyyy Tommy! What are you doing here? It's so late at night!"

"I could ask the same for you Sapnap."

"Well... I'm just walking around, you know? The woods are quite nice during the nights!"

Were Sapnap's eyes always red?

"Yeah true, there's quite a nice breeze. Say, where did that smell go?"

"...What smell?" Sapnap asked curiously.

"It smelled a bit like sulfur, y'know rotten eggs."

At this, Sapnap froze. He managed to laugh it off.

"Pfft, why do you know what sulfur smells like?"

"I went to a hot spring with my family once, there's sulfur there."

"Woah, that's cool. You need to tell me about it after this."

"After what?"

"THIS!" Another voice shouted.

A dark orange flash came in front of him, Tommy barely had enough time to let out a scream as he choked on his own blood. There, he saw his two friends. Standing over him.

Wilbur POV:

'What the fuck? Who was that? That sounded like Tomm-' Wilbur woke up with a start. Tommy wasn't in his bed. He violently shook Phil. Phil was a bit groggy due to the rude awakening.

"Tommy isn't in his bed. There was a scream."

That woke Phil up.

"Use the code names. Let's go. Don't wake Tubbo up."

The duo ran out.

Phil turned into his fairy form, adorning his gleaming light green wings.

Wilbur looked at them in awe.

"Now you're making me wish I was a fairy."

"Yeah, yeah, turn into your form."

Wilbur turned into his charmer form. He basically wore a brown trenchcoat with a hood.

"Ok, Philza. Let's go."

"Ok, Crime."

The pair ran into the woods. Well, mostly Wilbur ran. Phil flew ahead.

Suddenly Phil's wings stopped flapping.

"C-Crime... I found him." He said.

"You need to wait for me Philz- holy shit"

The two saw Tommy's body in a pool of his own blood, with blood bubbling out of his mouth.

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