chapter one: The prophecy

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A lavender she-cat padded through the brush and into a clearing,she gazed up into the sky, the stars above glimmering like small silver drops of moon in the sky. A silvery tom with a starry pelt padded up to her, "Hello Rushstar" he meowed. Rushstar nodded back politely and glanced around the clearing. "Have i," Rushstar hesitated, "lost a life?" There was a mrrow of amusement in the tom's voice "No need to worry, you haven't lost a life" His face grew stern and worried. The trees began to shake like rabbits being stalked by a fierce warrior, the creek beside them, which was once quietly bubbling and flowing began to surge and flood the clearing, images of cats battling racing around her as she struggled to gain her footing The tom's voice rang out "Beware the past,traditions split, A raging creek will bring floods, after all has calmed, pine and stone will be reunited"
Rushstar jolted awake, panting as if she had run to the moonnest and back. A small silver she-cat padded in, "Rushstar, Starclan has sent me a prophecy-" she cut off before she could finish "Have you had it as well?" She mewed quietly. " I believe so tansycloud" "The trees shook, the creek surged, There were images of cats locked in battle" she whispered " Tansycloud looked troubled. "My vision was of a she-cat, in a mountain cave during a rainstorm, Why has starclan sent two prophecies?" she murmured. Rushstar twitched her tail irritably "at least you didn't nearly drown" she snorted. Licking her chest fur, Rushstar gave tansycloud an an uneasy glance."what do you suppose it means?" she meowed "perhaps a cat from the mountains?" "i'm not too sure" Would you like some herbs to help you sleep? She mewed anxiously "yes tansycloud, thank you" Rushstar meowed, curling her tail over her paws. Tansycloud padded out of the leaders den and into the twilight of the night to the medicine cat den, grabbing a few poppy seeds and chamomile leaves, she wrapped them in a laurel leaf and padded back into the leader's den with the bundle of herbs in her mouth. She dropped them gently in front of Rushstar, "here eat these, the chamomile will soothe your mind and the poppy seeds will help you sleep" Rushstar gratefully ate the herbs and slowly began to drift to sleep.Rushstar awoke and padded out of the leaders den, stretching her legs and back. The sun was shining brightly, but even through the sunshine, it was usually chilly in the early afternoon during leaf-fall. A dark grey tom padded up to Rushstar "hello shadefeather" she greeted him kindly "greetings Rushstar, would you like me to send out a hunting patrol?" he meowed. Glancing at the pitifully small fresh-kill, she nodded. He padded over to the warrior's den "newtspeckle,dewfall and morningstorm you will join me on a hunting patrol" The warriors nodded in agreement and followed shadefeather out of camp. 

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