chapter two: poor prey

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Shadefeather padded back into camp with a small thrush in his mouth, each of the warriors had caught unusually small prey. setting the fresh-kill into the fresh-kill pile, shadefeather padded over to Rushstar, seeming concerned. "The prey is usually poor in leaf-fall and leaf bare, but's it never been as scarce and puny as this before" his tail twitching anxiously. It had been moons since Rushstar had received her prophecy from the mysterious starclan cat, but it seemed like perhaps the starclan warrior had gotten the wrong cat. Shadefeather continued " To make matters worse, it seems a fox has made a den nearby, the fox seems to have a milk scent, so it may very well have cubs. It wasn't there when we found the den, but the scent of fox and milk was strong." Rushstar felt a chill in her neck fur down to her tail tip. If any warrior were to cross the mother fox alone, There would be no way any warrior could take it on and survive. Hastily Rushstar padded to the hollow fir, a hole in a fir tree stripped of it's needles used for clan meetings. "all cats old enough to climb trees and hunt for prey, join me beneath the hollow fir for a clan meeting" slowly all the cats came and sat around the hollow fir eagerly whispering to one another. Rushstar's meow rang in the clearing "On shadefeather's patrol, he and the patrol found the den of a fox, The den had a milk-scent, meaning that this fox is a mother. That means that this fox will be more fierce as it tries to protect it's cubs" the voice of and elder came from below the fir. It was a brown tom with hazel eyes called pearfrost "great" he muttered "now none of us elders will get any sleep without worrying about a fox dragging us off and putting us in it's fresh-kill pile, if they even know what a fresh-kill pile is." Rushstar waited for the murmuring and gossip to slow before continuing "from now on any warrior,medicine cat or apprentice that leaves camp must have one or more warrior with them at all times, If you find the fox and it doesn't chase you, run back to camp immediately and report it to shadefeather" more of the warriors exchanged frightened whispers, and Rushfeather hoped the fox would stay away from the camp. The sun was now dipping into the horizon and the warriors and elders were sharing tongues and exchanging gossip between each other, occasionally taking a bite of their fresh-kill. Feeling hungry Rushstar padded to the fresh kill pile and picked a scrawny thrush, she padded over to a gray she cat elder named pebblebrook and offered to share her fresh-kill. the old she-cat rasped "you don't suppose that mother fox will attack camp do you?" rushstar purred with amusement and replied " i suppose meeting a camp full of piercing claws, would be the last thing on that mangepelt's mind" The old she cat let out a raspy purr and meowed "i don't think any mousebrained fox would ever want to mess with Rushstar" Finishing the freshkill with pebblebrook she padded to the medicine den, where tansycloud was sorting her herbs,she turned to meet Rushstar. "hello Rushstar, did the herbs help you sleep? Rushfeather nodded gratefully to tansycloud.

"Has starclan sent anymore prophecies? or any clues as to what the first two mean?" asked Rushstar. tansycloud shook her head, "no, not yet. You?" Rushstar meowed "sadly not, However, if you need more herbs please ask a warrior to go with you, there's a fox on the loose and we only just found it's den, we need to be careful." tansycloud's eye were wide but she nodded in agreement. "I understand Rushstar." The moon was rising over the horizion and 

W I P ( i'm a bit busy but will try to work on this some more)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2020 ⏰

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